Coffee pots - old and new
By Luke Clayton
Apr 28, 2024
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We outdoor types have a habit of getting the most out of the outdoor gear we use. My friend Larry Weishuhn has been wearing a comfortable pair of handmade shoes for as long as I can remember.

Several decades ago, he had them made by a cobbler while hunting and shooting a TV show in Africa. He says he has never worn a more comfortable pair of shoes. Another old friend still hunts with the Model 94 Winchester 30-30 he used while in his teens.

Twenty years ago I was gifted an old coffee pot by my late friend Dubb Wallace; the age of the pot is undetermined but Dubb was well into his eighties and he had used the pot for decades and it showed.

That old pot was so stained from past campfires that it was next to impossible to determine the original color. I think it was blue enamel, like the old pot that always set on the stove at Marshall Dillion’s office in the TV serial Gunsmoke. I had watched Dubb make ‘camp coffee’ on the pot for many years and one day he just up and handed it to me.

“Here, Luke, this is yours," he said. "You are the coffee maker from now on.”

I was at first hesitant to take the ancient old pot but Dubb knew I would take good care of it and more importantly, use it. The old pot has served me well and became a staple in my outdoor cooking arsenal, right next to my old cast iron skillet with lid that I’ve used all over the country at many fishing and hunting camps.

But last fall, Dubb’s old coffee pot have up the ghost, it sprang a leak. At first I did some research, looking for some sort of epoxy that would plug the pin hole leak and not taint the coffee. I found several possible solutions but none that I was convinced would work long term and the last thing I wanted was to be the coffee maker at camp and have the old pot fail me. So I began looking for a replacement ‘Old pot’.

I found many on the internet at varying prices and then stumbled onto a brand new pot that held about 20 cups and looked very similar to my old standby.

After placing my order on Amazon, my new pot arrived in 3 days. There it was all shiny and new, a far cry from my stained, battered old faithful. It was solid and seemed to be well constructed, but it had a thin diameter wire handle which somehow just didn’t look right. I promptly replaced the inferior handle with the one from my old pot which has a wooden ‘grip’ that makes handling much easier over brewing coffee over a campfire, which is how I usually make coffee at camp.

Luke's old camp coffee pot finally sprung a leak after many new years. He will put the handle from the old one on the new and keep the tradition going! (photo by Luke Clayton)

It will take some time for my new pot to gain ‘character’, it will have to be used many times at various places before it takes on a persona of its own. The old handle will be a constant reminder of the good times and great coffee that was created by its predecessor.

I will give the ‘new pot’ its inaugural run this coming weekend at our Fifth Annual Campfire Ron De Voux at Top Rail Cowboy Chruch In Greenville, Texas. Make plans to be there and come by and check out my replacement pot! I’ll have it full of coffee on a grill over some hot oak coals. For more information or to reserve a booth, contact Charlie Nassar (903-217-3778)

How to brew good coffee 

In order for coffee to reach its full flavor, the grounds have to be heated (boiled) and there is no better method than using an old fashioned pot and placing the grounds directly into boiling water.

I begin by filling the pot with fresh water and bringing it to a rapid boil. Next I toss in a handful of coffee grounds (you be the judge as to how strong you want your coffee) about a tablespoon of grounds per cup will make coffee that will get you motivated quickly! Allow the grounds to boil a couple minutes at a rapid boil and then take the pod away from the heat and pour a little cold water into the pot; this causes the grounds to sink to the bottom.

Boiling will release the oils in the coffee and result in a full flavor coffee that is a far cry from what your standard electric coffee brewer and create.

White bass run

Runoff from rains a couple weeks ago coupled with much warmer than normal temperatures created an early push of white bass into creeks. I haven’t heard of any heavy stringers in North Texas just yet but several of my friends have caught fish in creeks.

Guide David Cox with Palmetto Guide Service has been enjoying great action in the Trinity River above Lake Livingston for the past couple weeks. The key is locating clear water and sometimes this requires going into tributaries feeding the main channel. Small Roadrunner jigs in black/yellow (for stained water) or white/black in more clear water is a good bet. A very slow retrieve, just enough to get the spinners turning on the baits is usually best and I like to toss baits parallel with the bank.

Make sure and carry extra baits because getting snagged is common with creek fishing. I carry a plastic five gallon bucket to carry my gear and, the fish that I catch. With more warm weather ahead, expect more and more white bass to pack into creeks above lakes with a good population of white bass.