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Fannin County Commissioners Court discusses public park on Bois d'Arc Lake
By Allen Rich
Jun 17, 2024
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Fannin County, Texas -- All five members of Fannin County Commissioners Court were present for a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The meeting opened with an invocation by Rickey Granstaff, pastor of Ravenna Baptist Church, and pledges were led by Maj. James Manis (Ret.).


Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham introduced Melanie Grammar, who took a moment to recognize the work of precinct chairs.

"We appreciate you," Ms. Grammer stated.


In public forum, Grammar said she received several calls regarding governmental election codes. In the case of precinct 1 in Fannin County where a newly elected official replaces an appointee, Pct. 1 Commissioner-elect Troy Waggoner will take office January 1, 2024. 


Routine items

Fannin County Commissioners Court approved payment of bills totaling $303,405.89; payroll was $383,162.08


Fannin County Commissioners Court approved minutes from regular meetings on March 26, 2024 and April 9, 2024.


Report of monies received by the County Clerk’s office for May 2024; Land Records $37,835.50 and All Courts Combined $15,232.41.


Report of monies collected by the District Clerk’s office for May 2024; $30,542.57.


Report of monies received by the Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 office for May 2024; $16,048.50.


Report of monies received by the Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 office for May 2024; $2,249.75.


Report of monies received by the Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 office for May 2024; $4,903.00.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding NTMWD / County Community Park at Bois d’Arc Lake.

Judge Cunningham reported preliminary discussions with Billy George, Deputy Director of Water & Wastewater at North Texas Municipal Water District, in regards to a public park on the north side of FM 1396 that would be under county control.

"They said they would build the park, but they wouldn't want to maintain it," noted Pct. 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness.

"Its an opportunity and citizens would like a park," the county judge said.

Talks will continue to determine how to make this public park a reality.


Discussion, consideration and action items

Fannin County Commissioners Court approved releasing the following securities with Legend Bank.

Cusip#             Description                 Pledged Par        Market Value
24880DEP7   Denton Cnty Tx Fresh      $240,000.00        $214,145.28
61771KEG5   Morningstar Ranch Mud 1 $235,000.00       $213,188.66
3133KYUJ6    FRESB 2020 SB78 A5H   $3,000,000.00    $1,645,384.09
31418DTM4   FNMA #MA4155             $3,000,000.00      $1,367,163.92
18450CUZ1   Clear Brook City Mud        $370,000.00       $287,272.18
31418DZ21   FNMA #MA4360              $3,000,000.00      $1,820,383.29


Fannin County Commissioners Court approved contingency to be the payment source, not to exceed $5,000, for temporary seasonal workers under the supervision of the facilities coordinator.


Fannin County Commissioners Court approved contingency to be the payment source for an independent contractor approved to perform reviews on OSSF septic designs for Authorization to Construct (ATC) permits. Fees will fund the OSSF reviews, although the line item will need $3,500 initially.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding an alternative sewer option for the Belle Vie Phase I in Honey Grove while the planned development waits on the final TCEQ permit to be approved.

Cunningham said the county's consulting firm of Freese and Nichols cautions about going forward.

"Why don't you get your permit and come back when you get your permit?" Cunningham asked. "Right now, I'm going with the advice of Freese and Nichols."


Commissioners court approved going forward with the appointment of a county clerk.

In the case of the resignation of Fannin County Clerk Tammy Biggar, commissioners court has the ability to appoint an interim county clerk.

Precinct chairs will study a questionnaire filled out by applicants for county clerk and refer the top three candidates to commissioners court for the final decision.

Grammer suggested that, in a county with 34,000 residents, including 24,210 registered voters, perhaps it is time for commissioners court to consider an elections administrator and remove the responsibility of elections from the job description of the county clerk.

Statutes dictate that a county clerk must be a county resident for six months, while an election administrator does not have to live in the county.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding a Safe Streets and Roads for All grant opportunity through Texas Association of Counties.

The court will revisit this subject in two weeks after further study.


Commissioners court approved hiring an architectural expert to advise Fannin County on architectural standards. This expert, Stanley Thomas, will be paid from the district attorney budget, up to $2,000.00.

"We're getting ready for a 202 deposition, probably before the end of this month, with ArchiTexas and Turner Construction," Cunningham explained, "and this will require technical expertise."

Mr. Thomas has extensive experience as a commercial architect and has several large-scale architectural projects under his belt.


Commissioners court approved an updated monitoring agreement with Four Feathers Alarm, LLC.


Commissioners court accepted a bid by D&A Janitorial Services for janitorial services bids for seven Fannin County buildings.


Commissioners Court approved adding LC, Lake Commercial, to the zoning districts in the Bois d’Arc Lake Zoning Regulations.


Fannin County Commissioners Court approved a change in zoning application as recommended by the Bois d’Arc Lake Zoning Commission for two lots on County Road 2670 in Telephone, Property ID# 82622; from A&R, Agriculture and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single-Family District.


Fannin County Commissioners Court approved moving forward with change in zoning application on FM 897 in Dodd City, Property ID# 131451; from RE, Rural Estate Single-Family District to LC, Lake Commercial.


Fannin County Commissioners Court passed on an agenda item regarding a Special Exception application on County Road 2900 in Dodd City, Property ID#s 110544 and 126177; reduce road frontage from 100’ to a minimum of 40’ on cul-de-sacs and curved roads.


Open discussion items

(Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the court or a citizen.)

Regarding a final cost-estimate for the Justice Center, a change of staff at Eikon Consulting Group is pushing final numbers off until August.


Executive session(s)

Commissioners court had no need for executive session and adjourned at 11:59 a.m.