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Garcia and Grissom honored at Bonham City Council Meeting
By Sandy Barber
Jun 13, 2024
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Garcia and Grissom honored at Bonham City Council Meeting
Bonham, Texas ==> The Bonham City Council met for a regular meeting on June 10, 2024 at the Bonham City Hall.
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Mayor HL Compton called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. All council members were present except Allen Sanderson.
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The council approved minutes of the May 13th regular meeting and the May 20th special meeting.
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The council accepted the financial report for month ending May 31, 2024.
Sarah Osburn reported sales taxes up about 8% this year.
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Citizens Opportunity to Speak:
One gentleman expressed concern about the sale of 76 acres at Lake Bonham. He is a homeowner at lake that is adjoining the property being sold. He cited concerns for the bald eagles nesting in the area and potential changes to draining in the area that could make continued flooding even worse
Sandy Barber, Director of the Creative Arts Center spoke and invited everyone to Music in the Garden at the center each Thursday in June, plus Wednesday, July 3 at 7 pm. These free concerts will include Bodark Revival on June 13 and Michael Tuck, who has played with Pat Green, on June 20. Reader Theatre on June 21 at 7 pm.
Police Chief Hawkes described a new program that will start July 1 to benefit seniors. Bonham residents ages 65 and over can complete an application on the city website to request a free senior lock box. The resident will provide a key to their home. The police will place the key in a lock box and install it at the resident’s home. If later there is an emergency at the home, the first responders can avoid doing a forced entry to the home by getting the code to the lock box from dispatch. This will allow the first responders to enter the home faster and without damaging the resident’s property. Hawkes directed folks to contact Michelle Harger for questions.
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Brad Nichols presented a plaque to Matthew Grissom for the Employee of the Quarter. Grissom is an equipment operator for the Bonham Water Department. Grissom was nominated by his supervisor because he is a good guy who is always willing to help, even after hours. Grissom recently was called in on a weekend. He was able to complete the work within 30 minutes. City policy is to pay employees for a minimum of 2 hours when called in after hours. While Grissom could have left after the job was completed, he stayed an extra 90 minutes, completing various tasks around the shop to work the full two hours he was paid. His supervisor praised Grissom’s work ethic.
Matthew Grissom was named Employee of the Quarter

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Police Chief Hawkes presented a lifesaving award to Blake Garcia. Hawkes described a recent call in which Garcia was the first to respond to. An individual who had expressed suicidal ideations used a knife to cut herself and was bleeding profusely. Garcia stayed calm and applied a tourniquet to stop the bleeding until additional medical and mental health help could take over. Hawkes praised Garcia’s ability to stay calm and handle the situation professionally and literally save the life of the individual.
Blake Garcia was honored for saving a life.

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The council held a public hearing regarding the City of Bonham 2024 Water Conservation and Water Resource and Emergency Management Plan. This written plan is on public works website and must be updated every 5 years. Many of the updates included adjustments to the city’s partnership with the North Texas Municipal Water District. The plan includes water conservation goals to reduce waste of water, improve efficiency, and raise public awareness for conservation. The plan also includes a drought contingency plan to prepare for water shortages. It was stated that Lake Bonham is not capable of handle growth that will come to Bonham. City manager Sean Pate said the long term plan for the city is that it will get additional water from Bois ‘d Arc Lake when needed to provide for the growth and expansion.
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The council approved the LOGIC Investment Pool as an authorized investment.
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The council approved the amending resolution to update authorized representatives for TexStar.
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The council approved adopting a Public Improvement District (PID) Policy and establish guidelines and criteria. Joey Grisham, Director of BEDCO, spoke about the need for this policy. Grisham said most housing developments are now done with PID to cover the cost of infrastructure. PID works by having an assessment on lots, based on size of lot, to pay the debt for infrastructure such as water and sewer lines. Grisham noted that this assessment is not city wide deal and will only be for the new development areas to pay this fee until the debt is retired.
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The council approved authorizing the Bonham Economic Development Corporation to enter into a Performance Agreement with CONTRERAS & PORTO RE INVESTMENTS, LLC. Grisham said this is for a business development that will include Little Caesar’s and Jimmy Johns just south of Sonic on Highway 121. The business must get a certificate of occupancy by April 2025 in order to receive the grant funds.
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The council approved appointing or re-appointing individuals to the following boards and commissions:
Planning and Zoning Commission - Brian Frazier, Rusty Deets, and Warren Jamieson – two year terms and Justina Silwood - one year term.
Texoma Area Para-transit Board of Directors - John Burnett
Tri-County Senior Nutrition Project, Inc. – Meals on Wheels - Kevin Hayes
Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals - Jerry Cristopher, with John Burnett as an alternate.
Bonham Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors - Ernie Quintana, Warren Jamieson and Justina Silwood. Wayne Moore said he would be stepping down.
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At 6:16 pm the council recessed into closed executive session for attorney client consultation to seek legal advice on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter as it relates to ETJ litigation in Cause No. D-1-GN-23-007785, City of Grand Prairie et al v. State of Texas and current contracts with Fannin County, Texas including but not limited to the Interlocal Contract for Ambulance Services, and as permitted by Texas Government Code §551.071(2).
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At 6:54 pm the council reconvene in open public session.
The council took no action to renewal or termination of Interlocal Contract for Ambulance Services.
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The council rejected a resolution concerning Petition for Release of an Area from a Municipality’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction filed by Horizon Business Park, LLC concerning 10.275 acres (Fannin CAD Property ID:78055).
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Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.