Farm and Ranch
Texas Crop and Weather Report - June 18
By Susan Himes, Texas A&M
Jun 20, 2024
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Some areas in the district received up to 10 inches of rainfall, which caused weed management problems in cotton and prevented forage cutting. The wet soil conditions also delayed wheat harvest and could impact yield quality and potential. Producers reported seeing kernel sprouting, shattering and severe lodging in some areas. Cotton continued to grow well, and warmer, drier weather helped curb thrips damage. Grasshoppers were becoming more abundant, and fleahopper damage was reported in later-planted cotton .

Rolling Plains

Hot, windy conditions in the district were drying soils after recent rains. The wheat harvest progressed well with no rust reported, and cotton planting neared completion with some fields needing to be replanted due to heavy rains. Flies and grasshoppers were reported in all areas and were becoming a problem. Cattle conditions were good, and grazing was available in most areas.

Coastal Bend

Scattered rain around the district improved the cotton outlook, but pasture conditions were deteriorating due to high temperatures. Grain crops looked good with the recent rain adding weight to late-planted corn and sorghum. Early planted corn was starting to dent and dry down, and the sorghum harvest was in progress with above-average yields. Cotton was setting bolls, and rice was heading out under flood irrigation. Producers were rushing to harvest due to the expected tropical moisture later in the week. Range and pasture conditions were good in most areas, and producers were expecting the best hay harvest in years. Livestock conditions improved after the recent rains, and cattle were in good shape. Cattle market prices remained strong.


Producers in the district took advantage of the dry week by cutting and baling hay as quickly as possible with some producers starting their first cutting of the season. Houston County, however, received as much as 2 inches of rain in 1-2 hours with flooding occurring in pastures and hay meadows. Pasture and rangeland conditions were good with adequate soil moisture. The fly population was increasing to problematic levels, and producers were controlling feral hog and gopher populations. Livestock conditions were good with cattle prices remaining strong.


The break in the rain has been good for producers in the district. Corn looked good with producers reporting maturing in one area and tasseling in others. Pastures and hay fields in most areas were drying out, and hay was beginning to be cut and baled. Rice looked good in Jefferson County with plants in the flowering stage. Pastures in San Jacinto County were recovering from recent floods. Mosquito populations in Madison County were problematic due to standing water. Rangeland and pasture conditions varied from excellent to very poor, and soil moisture levels were ranging from adequate to short. Cattle markets remained strong in most areas.

South Plains

The district received beneficial rainfall, and there was also enough heat on dry days to help with growth for cotton. Weed control could become a problem in wet fields. Cattle were in good condition.


The district received late-week showers, but evaporation rates were high due to warm daytime temperatures and full sun conditions. Overall, crop conditions were fair to good. A few fields of cotton were replanted to grain sorghum due to recent hail damage. Crop emergence under irrigation was good, and silage harvest continued in late-planted wheat and triticale fields. The wheat harvest in dryland fields progressed, with combine operators waiting for moisture levels to drop before transferring grain to storage. Soil moisture conditions for pastures ranged from short to adequate while range conditions were fair to good.


The district was relatively dry with scattered showers reported in one area. The drier conditions allowed fieldwork. Wheat and hay harvest began, but wheat quality was low due to the high moisture levels. Corn conditions were good, but quality in some areas was affected due to long-term damage from saturated fields. Summer grasses were growing rapidly with the warmer temperatures. Peaches were ripening, and tomato, blackberry and pepper crops were close to harvest. Some producers were seeing grasshopper and nuisance fly populations increasing. Soil conditions ranged from adequate to surplus with pastures and range conditions ranging from poor to excellent. Livestock conditions were good.

Far West

The district reported above-average temperatures ranging from the upper-90s to low-100s and rainfall averaging 0.5 of an inch in some areas. Winds continued to dry out topsoil moisture, and corn and sorghum plants were beginning to show signs of stress. Watermelons and cantaloupe continued to make good progress, but weed control was an issue for all areas. Soil moisture ranged from short to adequate while rangeland conditions remained steady. Livestock ranchers were culling herds due to drought and were supplementing food and water for remaining cattle.

West Central

The district was warm and humid with rainfall accumulations ranging from 0.5-3 inches. Soil conditions were good with warm-season forages growing and being cut and baled. Increasing pest problems were reported in some areas, with grasshoppers becoming a widespread issue. Cotton planting was completed with earlier planted fields doing well but later planted cotton struggling to emerge in the dry soil and high heat. Grain sorghum was progressing with most plants in the flowering stage. Some corn was impacted by hail but looked to be in fair to good condition overall. Hay season looked promising, and pecan outlooks were optimistic. Pasture conditions ranged from fair to good, but the high temperatures were causing concern for fire. Rangeland conditions were good, and grasses recovered well, but weeds were becoming a concern. Lakes and stock tanks were still rising with some stock tanks reported to be full. Livestock conditions ranged from good to excellent, but sheep and goat producers were dealing with internal parasites. Cattle were in good shape and prices remained strong.


The district received rainfall ranging from 0.5-1.25 inches, which helped to replenish soil moisture, but more rainfall was needed. The dry conditions were beginning to take their toll on rangelands, pastures and row crops. Forages, native plants and wildflowers were doing well. Hay harvest was underway, but production was below normal. Crop conditions ranged from poor to good. The hot and humid conditions were reducing feed efficiency in cattle, but body conditions were good. Webworms were beginning to establish themselves in pecan trees, which could potentially pose problems for producers in the future. Livestock benefited from better rangeland conditions, but producers were still supplementing herd diets. Cattle markets were good.


Weather conditions in the district ranged from hot and dry to mild and humid with very little rainfall. Sorghum fields looked good with most areas reporting seeding and crops turning color. Sesame and watermelon crops looked good and were almost ready for harvest. Many producers were expected to begin sunflower harvest soon. Cotton conditions ranged from fair to good with most areas seeing bolls and early planted cotton in the flowering stages. Whiteflies and chili thrips were in cotton, and aphids were reported on some late-panted grain sorghum fields. Corn fields were in good condition with harvest underway in most areas. Pasture conditions varied from poor to fair with ranchers in some areas already selling calves at lighter weights and supplementing cattle with hay and protein. Livestock and wildlife conditions were good, and cattle prices remained strong in most areas.