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City of Sherman Public Notice
By City of Sherman
Jul 15, 2024
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This is official notice that there will be a Public Hearing at 5:00 pm, Monday, July 15, 2024, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 220 W. Mulberry, Sherman, Texas, for the following Ordinances. The Meeting at which these Ordinances are to be considered is open to the public as required by law.



Repealing Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3161; Removing One-Way Designation of Portion of Eagle Lane; Providing a Savings/Repealing Clause, Severability Clause and an Effective Date; Providing for the Publication of the Caption Hereof



Amending Ordinance No. 6728 to Appoint Election Officials and Designate Polling Locations for a Special Election of the Qualified Voters of the City of Sherman, Texas, on the 14th day of September 2024, for the Purpose of Electing One (1) Member of the Sherman City Council (District No. 1) to Fill the Vacancy Resulting from the Resignation of Council Member Shawn C. Teamann



Amending Sherman's Zoning Ordinance/Code Of Ordinances Chapter 14, To Rezone A Tract Of Land Being Lot 6, Block 19, Supplemental Plat Of Block 19 South Sherman Known As South Side Addition, City Of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, Located At 1822 South Montgomery Street, Heretofore Zoned C-1 (Retail Business) District; Rezoning And Placing The Tract In The R-5 (Single Family Residential) District Zoning Classification, Giovanni Garcia (Owner) And Helvey-Wagner Surveying, Inc. (Surveyor) Providing For A Penalty Not To Exceed $2,000.00; Providing A Repealing/Savings Clause, Severability Clause And An Effective Date



Amending Sherman's Zoning Ordinance/Code Of Ordinances Chapter 14, To Rezone A Tract Of Land Consisting Of 16.690 acres Being part of the Elizabeth Jones Survey, Abstract No. 625, City Of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, Located In The 800 Block South Holly Avenue, Heretofore Zoned R-6 (Single Family Residential) District; Rezoning And Placing The Tract In The MF-30 (Multi Family Residential) District Zoning Classification, Veronica Munoz, Salient Group, LLC (Owner), Jonathan Hake, Cross Engineering (Representative/Engineer) and Underwood Drafting & Surveying, Inc. (Surveyor) Providing For A Penalty Not To Exceed $2,000.00; Providing A Repealing/Savings Clause, Severability Clause And An Effective Date



Amending Sherman's Zoning Ordinance/Code Of Ordinances Chapter 14, To Rezone A Tract Of Land Consisting Of 3.020 acres situated in the George B. Pilant Survey, Abstract No. 963, City Of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, Located At 2100 East Lamar Street, Heretofore Zoned MF-30 (Multi-Family Residential) District; Rezoning And Placing The Tract In The C-1 (Retail Business) District Zoning Classification, BTI Capital, LLC (Owner), Ben Betzold, CEC (Representative) and Preston Trail Land Surveying (Surveyor) Providing For A Penalty Not To Exceed $2,000.00; Providing A Repealing/Savings Clause, Severability Clause And An Effective Date




Amending Sherman's Zoning Ordinance/Code Of Ordinances Chapter 14, To Rezone A Tract Of Land Consisting Of 9.975 acres situated in the George B. Pilant Survey, Abstract No. 963, City Of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, Located At 2100 East Lamar Street, Heretofore Zoned MF-30 (Multi-Family Residential) District; Rezoning And Placing The Tract In The R-2F (Duplex Residential) District Zoning Classification, BTI Capital, LLC (Owner), Ben Betzold, CEC (Representative) and Preston Trail Land Surveying (Surveyor) Providing For A Penalty Not To Exceed $2,000.00; Providing A Repealing/Savings Clause, Severability Clause And An Effective Date



Amending Sherman’s Zoning Ordinance/Code Of Ordinances Chapter 14, Repealing Ordinance 6149 And 6495, And Granting A Specific Use Permit To Allow A High School (grades 9-12) in an R-1 (One Family Residential) District/C-1 (Retail Business) District/F.M. Highway 1417 Overlay District Located At 2907 West Travis Street, Consisting of 94.760 acres situated in the Elizabeth Jones Survey, Abstract 625, City Of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas: Brannon Kidd (Owner), Teague Nall & Perkins, Inc (Surveyor/Representative); Prescribing Conditions To The Specific Use Permit; Providing A Penalty Not To Exceed $2,000.00; Providing A Repealing/Savings Clause, Severability Clause And An Effective Date​



Amending Sherman's Zoning Ordinance/Code Of Ordinances Chapter 14, To Rezone A Tract Of Land Consisting Of 0.197 acres being in the Samuel Blagg Survey, Abstract 56, City Of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, Located At 211 East King Street, Heretofore Zoned MF-30 (Multi Family Residential) District; Rezoning And Placing The Tract In The R-6 (Single Family Residential) District Zoning Classification, Leticia Murillo Chavarria (Owner), Roozie Marroquin (Representative) and Preston Trail Land Surveying (Surveyor) Providing For A Penalty Not To Exceed $2,000.00; Providing A Repealing/Savings Clause, Severability Clause And An Effective Date



Amending Sherman's Zoning Ordinance/Code Of Ordinances Chapter 14, And Granting A Specific Use Permit To Allow A Secondhand store or rummage shop in a C-1 (Retail Business) District, Located At 1908 East Lamar Street, Being Lot 1, Block One, East Side Business Park, City Of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas; Maria Isabel Ramirez (Owner) and Helvey-Wagner Surveying, Inc. (Surveyor) Prescribing Conditions To The Specific Use Permit; Providing A Penalty Not To Exceed $2,000.00; Providing A Repealing/Savings Clause, Severability Clause And An Effective Date


I, Linda Ashby, City Clerk of the City of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing are true and correct copies of the caption of Ordinance Nos. 6746, 6747, 6748, 6749, 6750, 6751, 6752, 6753, and 6754, which will be submitted to the Sherman City Council at the Regular Meeting of July 15, 2024, for introduction, public hearing, and adoption. Copies of these Ordinances are on file in the office of the City Clerk, at City Hall, 220 W. Mulberry, Sherman, Texas.


Linda Ashby

City Clerk      

Sherman, Texas