School News
Call for Middle/HS strings students: Summer Music Intensives
By Annie Royer, Arts and Music Guild
Jul 28, 2024
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Summer Music Intensives
Jason Lim, Artistic Director
July 29-August 4, 2024
Held at Trinity Presbyterian Church
McKinney, Texas
McKinney, Texas -- Summer Music Intensives is a week-long day camp for middle and high school strings students. Led by Jason Lim (Conductor, McKinney Philharmonic Orchestra), SMI faculty members are professional performers who are passionate about mentoring young musicians. 
Small ensembles, one-on-one coaching, a diverse array of electives, and opportunities to perform side-by-side with seasoned musicians characterize this unique camp. 
The Summer Music Intensives is a program of the Arts and Music Guild, and is funded in part by a grant from the McKinney Arts Commission.
Tuition is $265, and financial assistance is available. 
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