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Celebration of the 34th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
By Workforce Solutions Texoma
Jul 21, 2024
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On July 26 we will celebrate the 34th Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.  The ADA is a civil rights act created to protect people with disabilities from discrimination with everyday activities.  These activities may include accessing state and local government services as well as participation in other public activities, such as going shopping or eating at a local restaurant. 

The ADA was passed to provide opportunities for all.  Workforce Solutions Texoma will celebrate the 34th ADA Anniversary with several events.  One of our key events was a garden opening at the Denison Library on July 1. The garden was supported by several community partners and constructed by Denison ISD students with disabilities. 

There will also be multiple city proclamations for ADA 34, library displays, and a series of Instagram posts and discussions surrounding the advances of inclusion for people with disabilities and the challenges ahead.

Bonham Mayor H.L. Compton presents the Americans with Disabilities proclamation to April Martin of Workforce Solutions Texoma. July 26, 2024 will be the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. photo by Allen Rich

We will be working as an online community to become stronger through education and understanding.  There are many disabilities, seen and unseen, affecting people of Texoma and throughout America every day.  We want to continue to provide access to opportunities by spotlighting the successful impact of the ADA in our community.  For instance, most all of us have seen wheelchair ramps, accessible door openers, handrails, and accessible restrooms. These accommodations are commonplace today, but that has not always been the case.  We continue to support improving access to all and that is a foundation of the ADA. 

The commonplace accommodations above were challenges of the past.  What are some of the challenges ahead?  Are you interested in testing your ADA knowledge?  If so, please join the discussion with us on Instagram at Workforce Solutions Texoma.