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Fannin County recognized for 50 years of membership in Texas Association of Counties
By Allen Rich
Jul 24, 2024
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Fannin County, Texas -- All five members of Fannin County Commissioners Court were present for a regular meeting held Tuesday, July 23, 2024. The meeting opened with an invocation by Chad Leutwyler, pastor of First Baptist Church in Leonard, Texas, and pledges were led by Pct. 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness.


Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham introduced Paul Ivy and Mark Buchannan, candidates for JP 2, and Bill Carey, who is one of the candidates vying to be the next county clerk.


In public forum, the county is pursuing 1.4 million in disaster damage and the City of Leonard hopes to secure 2.4 million.

There is a 75/25 split for each project that receives funding to compensate for disaster damage.


Routine items

Commissioners court approved payment of bills totaling $$366,319.04; payroll was $379,533.10.


Bonham Fire Chief Scott Ridling presented the Emergency Medical Services Report for June 2024.

Chief Ridling reported 423 calls, a slight increase over May. Ridling said collections for services were good and the department is fully staffed. 


Commissioners court approved minutes from regular meeting held April 30, 2024 and May 21, 2024.



Joe Szewczyk of Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool presented a plaque to Fannin County for 50 years of membership in TAC.

"We're looking forward to another 50 years," Mr. Szewczyk told Fannin County Commissioners Court.

The county will received slightly more than $1,134.00 from TAC to purchase safety items.

(L-R) Pct. 1 Commissioner Dale McQueen, Pct. 2 Commissioner A.J. Self, Joe Szewczyk of Texas Association of Counties, Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham, Pct. 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness, Pct. 4 Commissioner Doug Kopf - photo by Lisa Loiselle


Discussion consideration and action items

Commissioners court approved an agreement allowing AirMedCare Network to meet with Fannin County employees regarding optional payroll deducted emergency medical care flight plan(s).

In addition to existing medical coverage, for $75 a year employees would get coverage for everyone in their household for care flights.


Commissioners court approved obtaining a case-specific expert witness at a cost not to exceed $17,500 for the State of Texas vs. Eric Kendrick trial set for August 12, 2024.

The trial is to prosecute an alleged continued sexual assault case with a possible penalty of 25-99 years.

The money will come out of contingency. The county currently has approximately $238,000 in contingency.


Commissioners court voted 3-1 not to allow employees to roll over any unused Paid Time Off (PTO) to the 2024-2025 fiscal year rather than being paid out at the end of September 2024 for unused PTO. Pct. 1 Commissioner Dale McQueen, Pct. 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness and Pct. 4 Commissioner Doug Kopf voted in favor of approving the agenda item, Pct. 2 Commissioner A.J. Self cast the opposing vote, and Judge Cunningham abstained.


Commissioners court approved a resolution designating $387,500.00 of General Funds as Committed Fund Balance for the Highway 121 TXDOT Improvement Project as permitted by the Governmental Standards Accounting Board (GASB). In a pinch, these funds can be unrestricted and used by the county.

Fannin County has committed $1.5 million in hopes of keeping this $150 million project on the front burner.

"Hwy. 121 is a dangerous road and the sooner we can get this alleviated, the better," Judge Cunningham stated.


Commissioners court approved the 2025 application for structural repairs by the Fannin Soil and Water Conservation District to the State for a failing pipe at Caney Creek Site 8; last year’s application was not approved.


Commissioners court approved creating a part-time position for Precinct 1; not to exceed 25 hours per week at a pay rate of $20 an hour.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item in regard to removing one tree overhanging the mechanical yard on the southwest corner of the courthouse square.

Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple was tasked with getting a cost estimate for the work.


Commissioners court approved and signed a letter of support for 360 Broadband in their pursuit of Bringing Online Opportunities to Texas Round 2 Grant (BOOT) for high speed internet in underserved communities. 


Commissioners court approved a one-time severance of 2.07 acres from a 15.82-acre tract on CR 4655 in Trenton, Property ID# 80536.


Commissioners court approved a Special Exception application on County Road 2900 in Dodd City, Property ID#s 110544 and 126177; to reduce road frontage from 100’ to a minimum of 60’ on cul-de-sacs and curved roads.


Commissioners court approved a Change of Zoning application: Property ID# 81843 on CR 2955 in Honey Grove, TX, from A&R, Agricultural and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single-Family District.


Commissioners court approved a Change of Zoning application: Property ID# 128916 on CR 2960 in Honey Grove, from A&R, Agricultural and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single-Family District.


Commissioners court approved a Change of Zoning application: Property ID#’s 81844, 128261, 128422 and 128425 on CR 2955 Honey Grove, TX, from A&R, Agricultural and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single-Family District.


Commissioners court approved a Change of Zoning application: Property ID#s 123245 and 81855 on CR 2955 in Honey Grove, from A&R, Agricultural and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single-Family District.


Commissioners court approved a Change of Zoning application: Property ID# 81847 on CR 2955 in Dodd City, from A&R, Agricultural and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single-Family District - Development Services Director


Commissioners court approved a Change of Zoning application: Property ID# 81856 on CR 2955 in Dodd City, from A&R, Agricultural and Ranching District to RE, Rural Estate Single-Family District.


Commissioners court approved a replat of Lot 1 of the R.G. Hill Addition, ID# 119741 on CR 3040 in the unincorporated area of Bonham.


Commissioners court tabled an agenda item regarding the approval of a Final Plat for Belle Vie, Phase I.


Commissioners court voted to renew 6 belly dump trailer leases with Brazos Trailer Manufacturing, LLC; $500.00 each per month for six months for the following precincts: Precinct 2 (x1), Precinct 3 (x3) and Precinct 4 (x2).


Commissioners court selected the low bidder, Blain Service Company, as the vendor for a 4-Ton SEER HVAC system removal and replacement at the Adult Probation office; money will come from contingency.

Quotes ranged from $6,600-$9,430. The new system will have a 10-year warranty if registered with the manufacturer.

Open discussion items

Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the court or a citizen.

In regard to courthouse repairs and litigation, Judge Cunningham said some repairs have been made on jury chairs and he thanked Edson Gonzales with EG Construction for pro bono work.

The county continues to work on the problem of water pooling in the basement.


Work at the justice center is expected to begin August 1, 2024.


In regard to the county budget and revenue sources, Cunningham expressed disappointment at the painfully slow implementation of the countywide version of the Hotel Occupancy Tax. 

He expects to transfer operation of the Multipurpose Complex to the City of Bonham in the near future and eventually free up some county-owned real estate in that area.


A resident of Pct. 1 who is dealing with the lingering affects of a wreck in a washed-out county road asked if an impact fee can be charged per heavy truck. The man said he is not mad at the truck drivers because they are simply making a living, but they are tearing up the roads.


In regard to solar and wind farms, Cunningham tersely snapped, "Don't like 'em, don't want 'em."


The county judge said all parties involved are continuing to look at dovetailing the efforts of the county's new Emergency Medical Services provider, Allegiance Mobile Health, with services provided by the City of Bonham.


Fannin County Commissioners Court had no need to go into executive session and adjourned at 10:52 a.m.