Silver City Community Film Festival submission deadline Sept. 1
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Aug 31, 2024
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Silver City Community Film Festival
Submission Deadline: Sunday, September 1, 2024
Festival: Friday, October 18 - Sunday, October, 2024


Silver City, New Mexico -- The Silver City MainStreet Project and Silco Theater are excited to announce the Silver City Community Film Festival, taking place October 18 - 20, 2024, at the Silco Theater in downtown Silver City. The inaugural festival will showcase the diverse artistic talent of Grant County and the surrounding areas and provides a focal point for those who might be inspired to create something new. 


The festival recognizes filmmaking as a very powerful storytelling medium for both fiction and non-fiction. Community members of all ages and from all walks of life are encouraged to submit films to the festival. “We are excited for the opportunity to showcase the stories our community has to tell via the medium of film,” said Kim Ryan, Cultural Coordinator of the Silco Theater, “and we’re hoping this event will inspire some new creative sparks!”



Film entries are grouped by length: Micro Short, 45 seconds to 3 minutes; Short, 3 minutes to 45 minutes; and Feature Length, over 45 minutes. The festival is open to any genre.


"I am excited for the film festival because there are so many directions one can take with their submission," said Cindy "Renee" Provencio, Administrative Assistant of the Silver City MainStreet Project. "I am particularly excited for the possibility of members of our communities documenting our elders' stories as their stories are an important part of the historical record that is yet to be recorded. This is a huge opportunity to do that kind of work as well as many other genres community members might be interested in." 


The submission process is free. Films may be individual projects or group collaborations, and multiple entries may be submitted by one person.


To learn more about the festival or to submit an entry, please visit For questions or assistance submitting a film please contact the Silco Theater at or call 575-956-6198.