School News
Foster & Green named Dean of Students for Bonham ISD
By Sandy Barber
Jul 24, 2024
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Bonham, Texas -- A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Bonham ISD was held July 22, 2024 in the Bonham ISD Administration Center, 1005 Chestnut Street, Bonham, TX.

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Chance Roberts called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All board members were present. Myles Galyon led the invocation and board members led the pledges to the US and Texas flags.

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Warrior Talk

Sean Floyd expressed praises for the freshman orientation and summer conditioning. Myles Galyon echoed those praises and added that the fishing team had a good fundraiser. Carlous Gilstrap also noted that the band started practices. LaTonia Arris said that she liked the students “signing” at freshman orientation as well as the district’s posts about new hires. Arris also noted that the summer conditioning had lots of participation. Chance Roberts said that the drill team camp started today and praised the sport camps and community involvement that have been happening this summer.

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Public Comment – none.

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Board approved adding Dean of Students to the BISD Compensation Plan Professional (Exempt), Pay Grade 4. Superintendent Wilson explained that these positions will act as assistant principal except that they will not evaluate teachers because they are not certified. The candidates would have until end of school year to complete their certification. Wilson said that both candidates are on track to finish by December and expect to transfer to assistant principal roles at that time. Arris clarified that these are not additional positions.

Jennifer Green (center) has been named Dean of Students for Finley Oates Elementary

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Board went into Executive Session in pursuant to Texas Government Code section § 551.074, to discuss personnel matters pertaining to evaluations, duties, terminations, replacements, reassignments, hiring, and additions to the staff.

1. New Hire: Tamika Barnett ~ Assistant Superintendent at Bonham ISD Central Office

2. New Hires: Nicholas Foster ~ Dean of Students at L.H. Rather Junior High School; Jennifer Green ~ Dean of Students at Finley-Oates Elementary

Nicholas Foster (center) has been named Dean of Students for LH Rather Junior High

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Board returned from Executive Session at 8:00 pm and approved two new hires: Nicholas Foster as Dean of Students for LH Rather Junior High and Jennifer Green as Dean of Students for Finlay Oates. The board took no action on the Assistant Superintendent position.

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Board approved the consent agenda which included meeting minutes, financial statements and bills payable for June and approval of instructional materials.

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The board received written reports from the Assistant Superintendent, Chief Operations Officer and Superintendent. Wilson reviewed the current open positions in the district.

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Board approved increasing Adult Meal Prices for Breakfast and Lunch. The board did discuss the possibility of offering free lunches for the staff, but ultimately decided that they could not afford it at this time. Students are not charged for lunches.

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Board approved Bailey Inglish PreK Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year with no increase in the amount. Wilson reported that she and Suzanne Kennedy considered recommending an increase in tuition but ultimately decided an increase was not needed.

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Board approved three Budget Amendments.

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Board did not go into a second Executive Session, pursuant to Texas Government Code section § 551.074, to discuss personnel matters pertaining to evaluations, duties, terminations, replacements, reassignments, hiring, and additions to the staff.

1. New Hires: Stephanie Reed ~ I.W. Evans; Karlem Solis ~ Bailey Inglish; Krystal Thompson ~ Bailey Inglish; Cheyanne McElyea ~ Finley-Oates; Melody Cherry ~ L.H. Rather; Hanna Foster ~ Bailey Inglish; Kayla Park ~ I.W. Evans; Trinity Perkins I.W. Evans; Rod McDaniel ~ Finley-Oates; Bryant Smith ~ BHS; Megan Parker ~ Bailey Inglish; Esmeralda Mendoza ~ Bailey Inglish; Loretta Turner ~ L.H. Rather; Tyler Youngman;

2. Reassignments: Codi Gilbert ~ Bailey Inglish; Michelle Gilstrap ~ BHS; Joe Goodson ~ BHS;

3. Resignations: Maria Valdez ~ Bailey Inglish; Charlsie Vaught ~ Finley-Oates; Pamela Sellers ~ I.W. Evans; Tyler Youngman ~ L.H. Rather;

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Board meeting adjourned