16th Annual Farming Heritage Day at the Sam Rayburn House
By Margo McCutcheon, Educator, Sam Rayburn House State Historic Site
Sep 12, 2024
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Bonham, Texas -- The Sam Rayburn House State Historic Site is having its annual Farming Heritage Day event on September 21, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. This free event is a celebration of farming and the community that farmers support! All are welcome to visit our site to walk where farmer and Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn once lived and worked as you view farm animals, historic vehicles, local organizations, demonstrations, and more!

Heritage Day 2023 community partners

Participants joining us this year include: the North Texas Oldsmobile Club, the Red River Valley Car Club, the Wylie Tractor Club, beekeeper Lorelei Caracausa, Doyle Hereford Ranch, Maeder Agricultural & Livestock Services, the Bonham Public Library, Bonham State Park, the Creative Arts Center, the Fannin County Museum of History, and TxDOT’s Beyond the Road.

The Texas A&M University-Commerce College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is donating crop samples and seeds so that visitors can see where some of the food they eat every day comes from.

The Fannin County Amateur Radio Club will hold their monthly meeting onsite during this event and participate in “Parks on the Air” (POTA), so this day is a great time to watch the club in action!

Fix & Feed is graciously providing free hot dogs on site during this event while supplies last.

Creative Arts Center booth

Full self-guided tours of the Rayburn House will occur at 10:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 2:00 p.m. on this day and cost regular admission. Tour space is limited, and you may reserve your space on one of these tours ahead of time.

Contact us by calling (903) 583-5558 or emailing for more information or with any questions you may have. You may also call us to reserve a tour on Farming Heritage Day, or anytime you wish to see a slice of 20th century life and learn about one of the most powerful political figures in American history. The Sam Rayburn House is located at
890 W. State Hwy 56 in Bonham, TX.