'Texas Tablecloths' latest textile exhibit at Creative Arts Center in Bonham
By Creative Arts Center
Apr 16, 2005
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In April, guests to the gallery at the Creative Arts Center in Bonham, Texas will get a Texas-style treat when they enter the Textile Gallery's latest exhibit, "Texas Tablecloths!"  All pieces are on loan from the personal collection of Kay Sisk, of Bonham. 
The nostalgic display of table linens featuring the state of Texas is made up of vintage pieces from the 30's and 40's, with a few more recent pieces dating through the 50's as well.  All are important pieces in such a collection and tell quite a tale of Texas pride.
The exhibit will be on display through April, so please drop by for viewing.  The Creative Arts Center is open Monday-Friday from 1-6pm and Saturday from 11am - 2pm.  You can reach the gallery at 903-640-2196, or by email (creativeartscenter@netexas.net).