FCCLA Officer Installation
Newly elected FCCLA officers for the 2006-2007 school year were installed Tuesday, May 9th at an FCCLA Ice Cream social and awards ceremony.
President- Brittany LaFollet, VP of Public Relations- Sarah Ferman, Vice- President- Courtney Boothe, Vice Pres. of Membership- Missy Osterman, Historian- Elizabeth Slagle, Vice Pres. of Projects- Kortney Cooper, Secretary- Maggie Krenek, Treasurer- Thi Le, Vice Pres. of Recreation-Spencer Murray. Other awards presented at the meeting were recognition for Kortney Cooper, and Courtney Boothe, for their participation in STAR Events (Students Taking Action for Recognition) at the regional level and at the state level, Jeff Shelton, Brandon Koone and Spencer Murray.
Got Lemons? Make Lemonade!
Under the direction of music teacher, Kim Brown, Fairview first graders performed, "Lemonade - When Life Gives You Lemons You Make Lemonade". Using the example of Mother Goose characters and how they tried to see the silver lining in the midst of their troubles, students delighted family and friends with their costumes and acting debuts! Shown here are several characters, Pam Weathers (The Cow That Jumped Over The Moon), Beth Anne Parker (The Cat With The Fiddle), and Kadee Miller (Mother Goose).
Byron Davis Winners
Congratulations to the 2006 Byron Davis winners. These students are awarded for their performance in academics, athletics and activities. A boy and girl are chosen from each grade as well as a cumulative winner for the four years at Sherman High School. The grade level winners receive a plaque and the cumulative winners receive the coveted maroon wool blanket with Byron Davis, excellence award embroidered in large white lettering. Shown here are the cumulative winners, Trisha Patel and Joseph Nathan. The following are the grade level winners. 9th – Anna Clarkson and Caleb Cosper, 10th – Courtney Murphey and Charlie Whitfield, 11th – Allison Cooper and Cody Chavis, 12th – Trisha Patel and Joseph Nathan.
Class of 2006
Sherman High School’s Class of 2006 completed graduation exercises Saturday at Bearcat Stadium with 331 receiving diplomas. Eighty percent of this year’s graduates completed the Texas Scholars graduation plan and were draped with a medallion when they received their diploma. Seventy percent of Sherman High School graduates plan to continue their education in a four year or two year college or technical school. Congratulations to all the 2006 graduates. Shown here are Dillon Mezzacappa, Charles Estes, Orvie Cantrell, Jess Terrell, Alex Coulter, Aaron Mullens and Ellen Trammell.
Douglass Learning Center Graduates
The Douglass Learning Center has a unique approach to providing an educational opportunity for students. The program is an accelerated self-paced program where students are presented material at their own level. Students sign a contract agreeing to maintain academic progress, no truancy and follow a strict code of conduct. Teachers closely monitor student achievement to ensure that all students are working to the best of their ability. Douglass Learning Center students graduate throughout the year due to the self-paced style program but all are invited to receive their diplomas at Bearcat Stadium with the Sherman High School graduates.
Shown here are Adam Brown
Lauren Manning , Sandra Sibrian and Krickette Smith as they are recognized at the Douglass Learning Center upon their individual graduation. Offering congratulations is Principal, Cotton Wade and the DLC staff.
The Sherman Independent School District is pleased to offer to the community a meal program during this coming summer. Beginning on June 2, 2006 and running through July 14, we will provide breakfast and lunch at no charge for any child 18 years of age or younger. These meals will be served at the Washington Elementary School cafeteria Monday through Friday and the serving times will be:
Breakfast – 8:00 am to 8:30 am
Lunch - 12:30 pm to 1:15 pm
All food is to be consumed on the campus.
No meals will be served on Independence Day, July 4th.
This program is offered through the National School Lunch Program and the Department of Agriculture to provide good, nutritious meals for children during the summer vacation period when students would not have regular access to school breakfasts and lunches.
We encourage parents to bring their children to Washington Elementary to take advantage of the meals offered to anyone who is 18 years of age or under. Participants need not be students of Sherman ISD or residents of Sherman, Texas. There is not charge for these meals and the cost is being covered by USDA. The lunches that we offer will meet the national nutrition guidelines and will include an entrée, three side items, and milk. Breakfasts will include three items and will also meet the national nutrition guidelines as outlined by USDA.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington D.C. 20250-9410 or call 202/720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provide and employer.
Kindergarten Grads
Washington Elementary School parents of kindergarteners were beaming with pride as each student received a kindergarten diploma. The kindergarten classes entertained their family and friends with songs prior to receiving their diplomas. Director for Washington’s kindergarten chorus is Lila Honts.
“Best In Class”
The Piner Middle School band performed at the Meyerson Symphony in Dallas under the direction of Mark Wallace. They received a "Division I" rating and "Best in Class." Congratulations and Way to go Wildcats!