Bonham High School holds 114th Annual Commencement
By Allen Rich
May 29, 2007
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They had filed into this gym countless times.  But Friday night the class of 2007 filed out of the Bonham High School gym for the last time as BHS students.

"They're not leaving you," Bonham High School Principal Linda Epperson told misty-eyed parents and hushed family members that solemnly watched.  "You raised them to spread their wings."

Like the previous 114 classes that have graduated from BHS, many in this group left their mark on the community by taking time to serve those less fortunate.  Many left their mark on the school record books.  If fact, this class leaves BHS with the highest GPA average in school history.  And they also obviously left a mark on the principal that presided over a bittersweet moment before diplomas were awarded.

"This was a terrific bunch," Epperson said as she looked out at the shining, hopeful faces of the class of 2007.  "The administration and I wish you the best of luck."

Bonham High School Student Council President Rachel Eskue gave the invocation, followed by a special musical presentation, "In Your Presence," by guitarist Tyler Rattan and vocalist Lora Dyson. 

Salutatorian Morgan Hopson gave the welcoming address.

"We were taught to think independently and blessed with the freedom of choice," Hopson proclaimed.  "Congratulations, class of 2007...we made it."

Lora Dyson and Morgan Hopson were also singled out as Distinguished Graduation Plan Honorees.

Valedictorian Erin Buck says she has high expectations for her classmates.

"I can't wait to come back in 10 years and see what we have all accomplished," Buck exclaimed.  "Watch out for us, because the class of 2007 is going to change the world."

More special music ensued, as Caleb Coonrod sang an original song, backed by Rattan on guitar and violinist Morgan Hopson.

Recently retired Bonham ISD Superintendent Dr. Lind Gist handed out special honors.  Honor graduates were Erin Buck, Morgan Hopson, third-highest graduate Jeffri Malone, Dana Althof, Karla Aranday, Rozlyn Austin, Matthew Casperite, Kersten Cleaver, Lora Dyson, Christi Ferguson, Tiffany Gunn, Oscar Loredo and Sarah Wood.

Then, one last time, the class of 2007 held hands and sang the school song, a tribute to “the guardian of their youthful days.”

For some, those words will always have a special place, forever conjuring up the faces of friends that set out one rainy spring day to change the world.

BHS 2006-07 valedictorian Erin Buck

BHS 2006-07 salutatorian Morgan Hopson

BHS 2006-07 third highest graduate Jeffri Malone stands with recently retired BISD Superintendent Dr. Linda Gist

Additional photos from the graduation ceremony will run in School News on North Texas e-News during the summer