Prairie Home Theater entertains at Cappy's Cafe'
By Allen Rich
Aug 19, 2007
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Bonham -- If a passerby glanced inside Cappy's Cafe’ on Saturday evening, they would have seen a packed, Saturday evening crowd, with some lost in deep thought, some engaged in fascinating conversation and some barely containing the song in their heart.

Cappy's Cafe'

Onstage, it was much the same as members of Prairie Home Theater re-enacted scenes from everyday life and entertained the patrons of the busy cafe' with a Capella treats.

This troupe last performed in Bonham four years ago, but plans are being made for a fall event.  Tickets will go fast, however, and for several good reasons.  Cappy’s famous buffet is worth the $10 alone.  Toss in engaging scenes drawn from your last visit to the beauty shop, a conversation with a close friend concerned about his diet or even a conversation with a tree concerned about the environment and you can plan on another sell-out crowd at Cappy's Cafe. 

Joyce Marshall

Prairie Home Theater is comprised of actors and singers from Bonham and Dallas. Bonham resident Joyce Marshall sets up the stage props, directs the troupe, acts in several of the scenes and, in her spare time, sings like an angel in the musical interludes that divide the homespun stories. 

Other members of the troupe are Mary Minnix, John Howell, Paula Brennecke, Gene Marshall, Megan Minnix, Connie Williams and Don Brennecke. 

Prairie Home Theater Troupe

Cappy's Cafe is located at 109 W. Sam Rayburn Drive.  For more information, call 903-583-5841.

John Howell and Gene Marshall

Scenes from the beauty shop...

..."Not so much off the top this time," Joyce Marshall instructs. "My husband said I looked like a baby bird last time!"

A teenager reacts after finding her mom had read her diary.

Paula Brennecke (left) and Joyce Marshall.