Perrin AFB museum to display F-86L Sabrejet
By John M. Elkins, Perrin AFB Museum
Aug 21, 2007
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The Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, approved the transfer of F-86L Saberjet (tail #16144) from Sherman's Post 29, of The American Legion to Perrin AFB museum for display at Grayson County-Perrin Airport. 
Post 29 displayed the Perrin Saberjet on a pedestal at the Post since the mid fifties. The American Legion is selling their property. Since the aircraft belongs to the federal government, it was necessary relocate it. 
For the past couple of days, volunteers have been busy getting the jet ready for the move. The work included removal of the long range fuel tanks attached under the wings. Also removal of all flood lighting and electrical conduits  which were attached to the airplane. The exact date of move has not been set.
Volunteers workers were: James Farris, John Elkins, Charlie Gairraputo, Dave Williams, and B.J. Long. Average age of the volunteers was 81-plus!
B.J. Long and Dave Williams were command and instructor pilots who flew the F-86, F102 Delta Daggers and a host of other aircraft while assigned to Perrin AFB. 
Let us pray for the healing of James Farris following his fall from a ladder yesterday morning. He sustained hip injury. He is room is 308 at Texoma Medical Center following Saturday morning's surgery.