Austin College faculty, staff recognized for continued service
By Vickie S. Kirby, Austin College Senior Director of Editorial Communication
Aug 30, 2007
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SHERMAN, TEXAS — Several Austin College faculty and staff were recognized this week for service to the college, marking from five to an impressive 40 years of work. Austin College President Oscar C. Page presented service pins to each individual as they were introduced by their respective college vice presidents, Nan Davis, Institutional Enrollment; Heidi Ellis, Business Affairs; Mike Imhoff, Academic Affairs; Jim Lewis, Institutional Advancement; and Tim Millerick, Student Affairs and Athletics.  

Harry “Hank” Gibson, Jr.

Jack Pierce

Harry “Hank” Gibson, Jr., professor of chemistry, and Jack Pierce, professor of biology and Pre-Health Sciences director, have completed 40 years at the college. Gibson retired upon completion of his 40th year; Pierce continues at the college and received a standing ovation from the faculty and staff of the college for his work.  

Ginger Chauncey, associate registrar; Jim Johnson, professor of classics; Pat Means, library media specialist; Karen Nelson, associate vice president for Institutional Effectiveness and professor of psychology; and Cynthia Manley, professor of French, completed 30 years of service.

James Perry, sergeant with Campus Police, and Liz Rangel, Business Office cashier, were recognized for 25 years of service.

Marilyn Bice, assistant to the director, Posey Leadership Institute; Ilene Kendrick, library assistant in circulation; Don Salisbury, associate professor of physics; and Rod Stewart, professor of philosophy have completed 20 years with the college.

Dan Dominick, associate professor of music; Phyllis Rieser, registrar; Hubert Thornton, grounds attendant; and Jane White, associate professor of education, were recognized for 15 years of service.

Those completing 10 years of service at Austin College were Carlos Anderson, media technician; Gayle Bowers, administrative assistant to the dean of Humanities; Janet Clark, coordinator of Advancement Services; Marsha Gathron, adjunct associate professor of education; Max Grober, associate professor of history; Carol Gurley, administrative assistant to the vice president for Institutional Enrollment; Michele Helfrich, adjunct assistant professor of psychology; Terry Hoops, associate professor of anthropology; Joe Hicks, manager of Community Series; Wes Lankford, police officer; Debra Reed, accounts payable accountant; Robert Taylor, master maintenance mechanic and plumber; and David Turk, associate director of the Physical Plant.

Five-year service pins were given to Joseph Allison, art studio manager; Jan Beckert, coordinator of the Center for Environmental Studies; Stephanie Bierman, senior associate director of admission; Tammy Branch, software support specialist; Barbara Case, adjunct assistant professor of music; Loren Dawson, assistant football coach; Jeffery Fontana, associate professor of art history; Felecia Garvin, student publications adviser; Amanda Geisler, accounts receivable accountant; Julie Hempel, assistant professor of Spanish;  Kelle Kennemer, police officer; Matt Krov, director of Institutional Enrollment; Laura Marquez, director of the Academic Skills Center; Scott Langton, associate professor of Japanese; and David Smith, building technician. .

Austin College is a leading national independent liberal arts college located 60 miles north of Dallas in Sherman, Texas. Founded in 1849, making it the oldest institution of higher education in Texas operating under original charter and name, the college is related by covenant to the Presbyterian Church (USA). Recognized nationally for academic excellence in the areas of international education, pre-professional training, and leadership studies, Austin College is one of 40 schools profiled in Loren Pope’s influential book “Colleges that Change Lives.”