Hayden Fulmer (6th grade) -
Division Champion Maine Anjou heifer
Dalton Russell (5th grade) Reserve Division Champion Charolais Heifer / 3rd place Showmanship award out of 119 Charolais entered
Victoria Parr (5th grade) - 2nd place in class Hereford heifer
Taylor Steel (senior) -
3rd place in class Simmental Heifer
Clay Kelton (senior) -
5th place in class Angus Heifer
Chelsey Kavanaugh (Junior) -
12th place in class Limosin Heifer
Craig Myracle is the Sam Rayburn FFA advisor for these FFA students.
Dalton and Hayden will be taking their steers for competition in the Ft. Worth Steer Show Jan. 29 thru Feb. 1.