Celebrate the Run
In conjunction with the Sherman Arts Fest, the Sherman Education Foundation will hold its third annual Celebrate the Run Fun Run on September 20. With the 15K beginning at 7:30, this race serves as a kick-off to the Arts Fest activities. Races distances include a one-mile run/walk, and 5K and 15K runs.
There is a $100 cash prize for first place overall as well as cash prizes for first place over 40, 50 and new this year – over 60 years of age. Awards are also given to the largest team and largest group participants. Register online at www.shermanisd.net and select Education Foundation or contact Kathy Bickerstaff at the SISD administration building.
SISD Welcomes New Teachers
Crutchfield Elementary School principal, Jill Parker and her staff welcome Eric Knipling and Bonnie Wall.
Wakefield Elementary School’s new principal, Tammy Hutchins and her staff welcome Priscilla Shaner, Erin Albert, Lisa Jones.
Washington Elementary School’s new principal, Joanne Miller and her staff welcome Clelia Pena, Amy Robinson, Kara Burton.
Boot Camp’s new principal, Cliff Cotton and his staff welcome Kathi Stewart and Perrin Alternative Campus welcomes Danny Thele.
Dillingham Intermediate School principal, Doug Walters and his staff welcome Mellanie Bell and Chris Irwin.
Jefferson Elementary School principal, Amy Elliott and her staff welcome Lynda Lewis and Maggie Free.
Special Education director, Cindy Lawrence and her staff welcome Kristi Brashier(Fairview), Montserrat Estes(Fred Douglass), not pictured are Gregory Howse, LaVanda Brown and Lauren Nunez.
Neblett Elementary School principal, Linda Salinas and her staff welcome Amanda Rowley, Amy McCullough, Melesa Stewart, Leah Marburger, Victoria Watson, Ben Whitfill.
Sory Elementary School principal, Steven Traw and his staff welcome Rosa Abraham, Chad Rumer, Hillary Anderson, Farrah Ezell, Erin Pedersen, Jennifer Meadows, Laci LaPlante, Jennifer Torossian, Amber Peevyhouse, not pictured are Vickie Gudgel and Pamela McBride.
Piner Middle School principal, Karla Wright and her staff welcome Melissa Knight, Christian Gober, April Turner, Adrienne Fugett, Vernell Cummins, Kim Whaley, Kelly Walton, Frank Kelland, Charles Nash Sherman High School interim principal, Peggy Van Marter and her staff welcome Allan Pope, Jeff Nelms, Rod Richardson, Dave Gehalo, Clay McCarter, Mike Vanway, Jason Pinkerton, Kenneth Stephens, Laura Anderson, Carolyn Tucker, Debbie Goracke, not pictured-Julia Copeland and Patricia Brown.
Sherman High School interim principal, Peggy Van Marter and her staff welcome Allan Pope, Jeff Nelms, Rod Richardson, Dave Gehalo, Clay McCarter, Mike Vanway, Jason Pinkerton, Kenneth Stephens, Laura Anderson, Carolyn Tucker, Debbie Goracke, not pictured-Julia Copeland and Patricia Brown.