Pam Sweet-Richardson, Fannin Co. Tax Assessor/Collector (Motor Vehicle Division) asks for your vote
By Pam Sweet-Richardson
Oct 1, 2008
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To all the citizens of Fannin County:


I want each of you to know that to serve you is my honor.  I'm very privileged to have spent the past nineteen and a half years working in this office.  You feel like family; I've watched your children grow up and now your grandchildren. 


Since 2001 when I became your Tax Assessor/ Collector, I've strived to bring convenience and the highest level of quality service.  Never will I let go of myself and staff being courteous and friendly to all our customers.  I try to go the extra mile for each of you and will continue to live up to that.  You all matter to me!  I'm elected to serve and you can count on that.  My open door policy remains in place.  I'll keep experience at work for Fannin County.



I've achieved an interlocal agreement with Texas Parks and Wildlife; so, you can get your boat registration decals and title transfers here at home, which adds revenue to our county.  Also, we now have internet registration for added convenience. 


I achieved getting a substation in Leonard open from 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. each Thursday to help with the population growth in the southwestern part of our county.  My office is committed to this county and the people in it, we genuinely care about your well being and have joined with project SAFEPLACE to provide a place for kids and adults alike in need of assistance, you'll notice our bright yellow sign on the building along with an 800 number for after hours. 


I will continue to press forward for the betterment of our county.  I am running unopposed this term but still ask for your vote to let me know you approve of the job I am doing for YOU! 


Thank you and remember to exercise your right to vote this November 4th and vote Pam Sweet-Richardson Tax Assessor/collector.


Pamela Sweet - Richardson
Phone: 903-583-7494
Fax: 903-583-1244