Maria Hix named Woman of the Year at Texas Business Women Spring Style Show in Bonham
By Allen Rich
Mar 22, 2010
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The Annual Spring Style Show hosted by Texas Business Women of Fannin County on Saturday in the Family Life Center couldn’t have come at a better time.

Outside the temperature was plummeting and snow would soon blanket the town, but inside you could almost feel the warm sunshine as models paraded through the crowd wearing the latest spring fashions.

This popular annual event has grown into one of the highlights of the year for all the right reasons.  To begin with, this is a chance for women in the community to celebrate their countless contributions to the workplace. 

The Spring Style Show is also a welcome opportunity for local merchants to show off their latest lines of warm-weather apparel with help from lovely ladies who volunteer each year to display spring fashions.  By the time the first model makes her way around the room, guests are already thinking about what to add to their wardrobe now that warm weather is just around the corner.

On top of all that, a healthy and delicious breakfast always starts this day right.

But most would say the very best part of this wonderful event is that all proceeds go to scholarships that will enable women from Fannin County to increase their earning potential and create a better life for themselves and their family.

“Last year alone we had approximately 50 scholarship applicants,” stated Tammy Skidmore Rich, Fannin County Clerk and president-elect of Texas Business Women of Fannin County.  “The more funds we can raise, the more money we have to give out so local women can further their careers through higher education.  On that note, the Texas Business Women of Fannin County would like to thank each one of you for participating in our event and we invite you to become a member. Texas Business Women of Fannin County meet every 2nd and 4th Monday from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for a catered lunch at the Elizabeth May Room located next to American Bank in Bonham and we welcome you to our meetings.”

In addition to everything that has been mentioned, there is one more reason for area women to make certain they are in the audience at the Spring Style Show.  Every year one outstanding woman is recognized for her dedication and support, not only for this group, but for her entire community.

Judging from the very enthusiastic round of applause, this year’s Woman of the Year honors went to a lady the entire audience felt deserved the award, Maria Hix.

Texas Business Women of Bonham Woman of the Year, Maria Hix

"Maria is an exceptional woman who has a spirit that invigorates everyone around her," Tammy Skidmore Rich said afterwards. "Maria has been there for the women in Texas Business Women, always with a beautiful smile, a warming welcome, and has been a consistent supporter for me and many other ladies in the community. She has always encouraged each of us to go out and discover the woman you are destined to be! Maria has imprinted herself on all of us and we are so proud to have named her as Business Woman of the Year. Congratulations, Maria, we are so proud of you!" 

Tammy Skidmore Rich, Fannin County Clerk and president-elect of Texas Business Women of Bonham

Fashions were provided by Barbara Hope, Cato's and Wanda's.  2nd Time Around would have been represented by reigning Fannin County Fair Queen Kathleen Brooks, but she was unable to attend due to an illness in her family.

Another interesting facet of this event was the assortment of vendors. 

Jennifer Peaco represented Scentsy Wickless Candles, a flameless candle that uses a 25-watt bulb to safely and gently melt fragrant wax. Jennifer can be reached at or 903-227-2796.

Debbie Allen, an independent distributor of Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry, shared several interesting jewelry tips.  Did you know that certain earrings can make you look 10 pounds lighter?  Or that most women admit they wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time, along with the same few pieces of jewelry?  For more tips, contact Debbie at or 903-227-3324.

Jessie Cox, CPT, represented Outdoor Fitness, a health and fitness organization that welcomes you whether you are in top shape or in need of a well-designed physical regimen that also focuses on your emotional and spiritual well-being.  Outdoor Fitness will be in the Sam Rayburn School parking lot April 5 through May 15.  For more information, please contact Jessie at 903-664-2130.

Donna Carter, wife of Fannin County Judge-elect Spanky Carter, and daughter, Lindsay Carter were in the audience to show their support for business women across Fannin County

Channel 12 filmed the Spring Style Show

A guest looks over silent auction items

Debbie Allen


Jennifer Peaco

Ruth Ann Moore

Barbara Hope

Trena Campbell