Fannindel ISD celebrates 50th Anniversary with parade, street dance
By Allen Rich
Oct 4, 2010
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They came riding in pick-ups.  They came sporting new sports cars.  A few rode motorcycles, one came riding a motorized bicycle and another gentleman came riding through town on a longhorn.  They had all come back to Ladonia to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Fannindel Independent School District

Fannindel ISD is the result of the consolidation of Ladonia Independent School District and Pecan Gap Independent School District back in 1960.  Ladonia is in Fannin County and Pecan Gap is in Delta County, so Fannindel is a portmanteau of the names of those two counties.  If those two school superintendents could have picked a day to celebrate the Golden Anniversary of the consolidation, it would have been a day just like Saturday, October 2, 2010.

Until segregation occurred in 1966, Ladonia ISD had two high schools.  Clark High School served the African American community and Ladonia High School was comprised of Caucasian students.

Crisp autumn weather and picture-perfect blue skies greeted alumni from all three schools returning to Ladonia for a celebration that included a bonfire on Friday night, a parade Saturday morning and culminated with a street dance on the Ladonia Square Saturday night.