Rotarians hear report on Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center
By Bonham Rotary Club
Nov 2, 2010
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Deloris Clemmons, manager of the Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center in Bonham, gave an informative program to the Bonham Rotary Club at their weekly meeting on Wed., Oct. 27.
Deloris stated that they are currently employing 565, with approximately 80% being from Fannin County. One of her goals is to reach 650 employees in the next few years. This facility spent approximately 50 million dollars last year which is a huge boost to the Fannin County economy as well as Texas.
Deloris's main emphasis was to invite everyone to their 20th Anniversary Regional Veterans Day Celebration at Warrior Stadium. The VA North Texas Health Care System (VANTHCS)/Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center (SRMVC) and the City of Bonham will host this event on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at the Bonham High School Warrior football stadium.
A military flyover will kick off the formal program, followed by the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) color guard. Additional program performances will include the Bonham High School band and Lone Star chapter of the PVA wheelchair rifle volley.
The event will include a performance by the Fort Sill Field Artillery Half Section, a static display of a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, and other static military displays.
Guest speaker will be Dana Bowman, Sergeant First Class Army (Retired) who will arrive by parachute and land on the Warrior Football field. Bowman was a Special Forces soldier and member of the U.S. Army's elite parachute team, the Golden Knights, when he lost his legs during a training accident in 1994. Nine months later, he turned his tragedy into triumph when he became the first double amputee to re-enlist in the United States Army. He retired from the Army in 1996.
Deloris said that VANTHCS Interim Director Shirley Bealer invites the community to join VA North Texas to recognize and honor America's veterans that have earned and deserve our respect and appreciation for their sacrifices and the sarifices of their families. For more information, please contact Tina McDaniel in SRMVS voluntary service at 903-583-6282.
The Bonham Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 12:00 noon at the Family Life Center.
VA Manager Deloris Clemmons and Rotary Club President Janet Martin