Drivers asked to slow down, use caution as school begins
By Allen Rich
Aug 22, 2011
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Drivers across North Texas are asked to leave home a few minutes early if possible this week to compensate for busy streets, observe and comply with all school zone signs and keep an eye out for small pedestrians as another year of school gets underway.

With the first day of school in Bonham beginning early Monday morning, August 22, drivers are asked to pay careful attention to crosswalks and intersections that will be especially busy for the first weeks of school. 

Drivers should take heed of school zones and expect streets to be congested near schools.  Allow extra time to get to work or appointments and, when possible, choose a route that avoids busy streets near to schools.

In Bonham, Center and Main streets will be particularly congested as young students become familiar with crosswalks and intersections between home and school. 

Hwy 121 near Bonham High School is another area that will experience an increase in vehicle and foot traffic beginning August 22.

Ninth Street, and especially the corner of 9th and Center, will be another area drivers will want to be very alert for students making their way to intermediate and junior high facilities. 

Main Street between I.W. Evans Intermediate and L.H. Rather Junior High is a beehive of activity early in the morning and then again when classes are dismissed, so drivers that aren't dropping off or picking up their young students are urged to plan alternative routes if possible.