Paris Community Theatre presents its major musical for this season – Bye Bye Birdie
By Paris Community Theatre
Feb 5, 2012
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Paris Community Theatre presents its major musical for this season – Bye Bye Birdie.  Sponsored by the Kimberly Clark Corporation and Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., the show runs for two big weekends, Thursday-Sunday, January 26  – 29  and February 2 – 5 .   All Shows are at 7:30 p.m., except for Sundays when there is a 2:30 p.m. matinee only.    Tickets are $15.00 each and reservations may be made by email to: or by Phone:  903-784-0259 (M – F, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.).

Bye Bye Birdie is one of the most captivating musical shows of our time. It tells the story of a rock and roll singer who is about to be inducted into the army. The singer, Conrad Birdie (Seth Sansom), an Elvis Presley type, has a pompadour and thick sideburns; he wears gaudy gold costumes and speaks in a rugged voice. Albert Peterson (Cliff Scott), his agent, is a very pleasant mild mannered young man. Albert's faithful secretary Rose Alvarez (Sydney Young) keeps him and Birdie moving forward in the world. Rosie concocts one final national publicity plan before Conrad's induction.

Conrad will bid a typical American teen-age girl goodbye with an all-American kiss. Kim MacAfee (Kaitlyn Bull) in Sweet Apple, Ohio wins the honor. All of the phones in her town are already busy during “The Telephone Hour” as Kim has just been pinned to Hugo (Joey Don Smith), a local boy. She is a pretty girl of fifteen and sings with spring-like ardor “How Lovely to Be a Woman.”

The arrival of Birdie in Sweet Apple causes people of all ages to swoon.

Birdie says that his success is due to the fact that he is “honestly sincere” when he sings, and the quiet little town goes into a spin. The MacAfee household (Joshua Maxwell, Cheri Lewis, Sydney Crumpton) is completely upset by the visiting celebrity. It is decided that Birdie will give his “One Last Kiss” on the Ed Sullivan show. Kim's father who laments the whole uproar, tries to break into the act and behaves like a ham on the TV show. “Hymn for a Sunday Evening” is a salute to the greater glory of Ed Sullivan.

Birdie becomes disgusted with his life and goes out on the town with the teenagers. He feels tense with Albert and is tired of being supervised. The parents of Sweet Apple cannot understand the new generation and express this in "Kids." Rosie is still waiting for that band of gold from Albert after eight years. She then decides to become the Latin American spitfire that she is painted as, by Albert's lead-footed catastrophe-ridden mother Mrs. Peterson (Amy Burrows). She is determined to become “Spanish Rose.” Kim is reunited with Hugo, and Rose with Albert in the lovely number “Rosie.” Other hit numbers include “A Lot of Livin' to Do” and “Put on a Happy Face.”    

Bye Bye Birdie is a satire done with the fondest affection. It gives an insight into the everyday life that is very much part of us all. It is the tops in imagination and frivolity; a show that will be enjoyed by the cast as much as the audience. This is the tops in imagination and good old fashion fun.

Other cast members include: Crystina Carter, Catie Maxwell, Miguel Silva, Madison Brown, Taylor Lee, Paige Wolfe, Devin England, McKenzie Webb, Riede Faires, Amanda Posey, Logan Williams, Brooke Crawford, Brittany Bean, Maggie Maxwell, Krysta Kelley, Page Patrick, Terence Trammell, Juan Espinosa, Joshua Maxwell, Justin Gallant, Brady Pierce, Micah Halbert and Greg Higgins. 

Crew members for the production include Michelle Hobbs, Aaron Carcuffe, Mindy Maxwell, Lindsey Espinosa, Randi Johnson and Shelly Radford.