4-H Photography Show results
By Halie Fetters
Jun 6, 2012
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The Fannin County 4-H Photography Contest was held in April.  You may have seen some of the winning photographs at the Creative Arts Center these past couple weeks. 

The photographs displayed were the first place winners; Junior competitor Rayna  Fetters in the Plant/Flora category and Junior competitor Nathanael Fetters in the Domestic Animal category.  Intermediate Marcie Harris got Blue awards in Domestic Animals, Digital Darkroom, and Dominant Color categories. 

First place seniors were Jonathan Aukes in the Catch All and People categories, Joel Aukes in the Domestic Animals and Landscape categories, Selah Burnett in six categories; Food, Digital Darkroom, Trains Theme, Storyboard, Elements of Design, and Wildlife Animals, Faye Fetters in the Plant/Flora and Night Photography categories, and Halie Fetters in the Details/Macro and Marine categories.  The senior first place photographs will compete in the Texas State 4-H Photography Competition in June. 

Best of Show winners are Nathanael Fetters in Juniors, Marcie Harris in Intermediates, and Joel Aukes and Selah Burnett tied as the Senior Best of Show winners.  Congratulations to everyone who competed!

Front Row L-R: Marcie Harris, Selah Burnett, Nathanael Fetters, Raina Fetters. Back Row L-R: Jonathan Aukus, Joel Aukus, Hailie Fetters