Next Saturday on the square in downtown Ladonia, tradition and fanfare re-kindle. The Ladonia Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring the 47th Annual Frontier Days festivities July 14.
The day begins with the Chuck Wagon Breakfast at the Ladonia Fire Station, sponsored by the Ladonia Volunteer Fire Department.
Festivities begin at 9:00 a.m. with the Men’s and Women’s Hay Toss, sponsored by the Fannindel FFA.
The Men’s and Women’s Horse Shoe Toss, sponsored by the Ladonia Rodeo Association, begins at 9:30 a.m.
The Ladonia Chamber of Commerce sponsors this year’s Shoe Kicking Contest, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Always a hit with the children is the annual Bubble Gum Blowing Contest, annually sponsored by the Ladonia Rodeo Association.
This year’s Watermelon Seed Spitting contest at 10:30 a.m. is sponsored by the Ladonia Chamber of Commerce.
The next four events are sponsored by Ricky Beeler, game day chairman and emcee. “Knock Out” Free Throw Contest, 10:45 a.m. “Little Britches;” Sack Race, Hula Hoop and Stick Horse Race begins at 11:00 a.m.
The Ladonia Rodeo Association has sponsored the annual Raw Egg Toss for years. It begins at 11:45 a.m.
There are plans to have an old fashioned High Noon Shootout. If it comes to fruition, it of course will be at 12:00 noon.
The afternoon’s events begin with a newer event, the Ladonia Nascar Lawn Mower Races, 12:30 P.m. Sponsored by the Ladonia Chamber of Commerce.
12:45 p.m. is the time slot for another newer event just added last year, the couples/partners wheel barrow race at 12:45 p.m. also sponsored by the Ladonia Chamber of Commerce.
A very unique Frontiers Day event is the annual Ladonia 500 Terrapin Race always sponsored by the Ladonia VFD. It is scheduled for 1:00 p.m.
The traditional Cow Chip Throwing Contest for the past several years has been replaced by the ever exciting Armadillo Egg Toss, BUT, this year a brand new event never before held at the festivities is the fabulous Frisbie Toss!
Wrapping up the days events will be the 10th Annual Ladonia “Amateur” Arm Wrestling Contest, sponsored by the Ladonia Chamber of Commerce.
As always, most of these games can be entered for a $1.00 entry fee. Winner receives the entry fee money. “Little Britches” kid’s games and Bubble Gum Blowing contests are always FREE!
Besides just being a day to play games and fellowship with fond childhood friends, it is also “Trade’s Day” around the outer perimeter of the square. Many traders and venders are expected to be selling their prized possessions all day long. If you’d like to have a Vender or Trader booth and you are not yet registered, please call Lavonne Duncan, Frontier Day’s Chairman at (903) 367-7442 or e-mail her at and tell her you’d like to reserve a space.
Mr. B.K. Moody has volunteered his abilities as a Disc Jockey and will be downtown Ladonia spinning and scratching out the Hits!
After the 47th Frontiers Day comes to an end, go home and take a “Disco Nap” and get ready for the always fun and entertaining Ladonia Rodeo. It begins both Friday and Saturday nights at 8:30, followed by a dance Saturday night. Remember to WEAR PINK on Friday night as the LRA supports Breast Cancer Awareness Night.
As always, one price admission at the gate gets you into the rodeo as well as the dance! For the 47th year in a row, Ladonia, Texas is the place to be the second weekend in July. Hoping to see you there and thanking you in advance for your continued support of this annual event.