McKinney Boyd Bailadoras to host 'Mini Bailadora' camp Oct. 20
By media release
Oct 20, 2012
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The National Championship winning McKinney Boyd Bailadoras are hosting their annual Fall Mini Bailadora Dance Clinic on Saturday, October 20 at Boyd High School. Check in will begin at 7:30 a.m. and a performance for parents will be at 11:30 a.m.

This dance clinic is great place to send your daughter to learn about dance from the Bailadoras. Mini Bailadoras will learn a fun and exciting dance routine, eat a snack with their Bailadora buddy, and play fun games. Mini Bailadoras are also invited to perform at the McKinney Boyd Football game on Friday, October 26 at 6:30 p.m.  Additionally, participants will receive a music CD, Bailadora t-shirt, and dance notes.  The cost for the clinic is $35.

 For more information, contact Caris Dunn, Bailadora Director at
469-424-5502 or  You may also mail your registration information and payment to: McKinney Boyd HS, Attn: Caris Dunn, 600 N. Lake Forest Dr. McKinney, TX 75071.

The McKinney Boyd Bailadoras, under the direction of Caris Dunn, is a group of Boyd’s most elite dancers. The Bailadoras perform at pep rallies, varsity football games, select basketball and soccer games, events throughout McKinney and produce a spring dance show. Being a Bailadora is a year round commitment of long hours, complex routines, exacting standards, and community involvement. For more information