Bonham FFA has outstanding major stock show season
By Bonham ISD
Apr 5, 2013
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Bonham FFA has had an outstanding major stock show season this school year.  The students' hard work and dedication has paid off.  This year’s major show team consisted of Cheyenne Wicker – Shorthorn heifer, Zack Jordan – Shorthorn heifer, Cole Carter – Simbrah heifer, Ty Coldiron – Polled Hereford heifer, Cole Dudley – Brangus heifer, Ramey Turner a Jr. FFA member  – market steers and Lily Carter a Jr. member exhibited breeding rabbits.  These students exhibited their animal projects at the State Fair of Texas, Fort Worth Stock Show, San Antonio Stock Show and the Houston Livestock Show. 

We had many other students participate at the local level as well.  The following young people have participated in the calf scrambles at Fort Worth and Houston:  Emily Jones, Blake DeWeese, Chris Reynolds and Cole Carter.  Cole caught a calf at Houston and will receive a $1,500.00 certificate to help purchase a registered heifer to exhibit for this next year.

Our exhibitors showing Jr. Breeding beef heifers have had several class winners at each of the major shows.  Ramey Turner, a 4th grader at I.W. Evans has had a tremendous year exhibiting her two market steers.  She exhibited the Champion Maine Anjou prospect steer and Champion Polled Hereford prospect steer in Dallas at the State Fair earlier this school year.  Her Maine Anjou steer was selected as the Grand Champion steer at the Fannin County Fair.

The Polled Hereford steer placed 5th in his class and made the market sale at Fort Worth.  She exhibited the Maine Anjou steer at the San Antonio Stock Show and was selected to win the light weight class and made the market sale.  She was also selected to receive an $8,000.00 educational scholarship.  This is such a huge accomplishment that very few students achieve each year.  Ramey’s showing career is helping her prepare for her future college education.

Bonham FFA is extremely proud of its members this year that have went on to compete at these major stock shows.  We look forward to recognizing these students for their many accomplishments at the chapter FFA banquet scheduled for April 30 at 6 p.m. at the Bailey Inglish cafeteria.  Also, many students have been working hard training for upcoming Career Development Events that include:  Horse judging, Livestock judging, Agricultural mechanics and Veterinary Science. Good luck to these students in their competitions.  Bonham FFA continues to excel in many areas with another busy year.

We are currently getting geared up to find animal projects for this next school year.  Now is the time to be looking for animals for next years shows including the Fannin County Fair.  If you are interested in learning more about showing a livestock project and becoming a part of the Bonham FFA or Junior FFA please contact Bonham High School Ag Department at 903-640-5773 or email:

The FFA program is for high school students but the Junior FFA is available for students in the 3rd grade through 8th grade.  We truly believe in the FFA Mission statement:  FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.