Snow blankets North Texas, TxDOT working to clear roads
By media release
Mar 5, 2015
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Paris, Texas -- TxDOT crews are out plowing, blading and treating roads across the TxDOT Paris District, working to clear any accumulation of frozen precipitation from the roadways.

As of 6:00 a.m. Thursday, March 5, our crews are reporting clearing skies and temps below freezing district-wide, with two to four inches of snow accumulation overnight. The National Weather Service has most of North and Northeast Texas under a winter weather warning until noon today. Roads will remain hazardous and treacherous until temperatures rebound later today. Bridges, overpasses, etc. will be especially affected.

Motorists are encouraged to stay home if at all possible. If not, they should check local road conditions before traveling, and use caution when driving: dress warmly, clear your vehicle of all snow, drive slowly to road conditions, give other vehicles and TxDOT trucks/equipment extra room around your vehicle, be prepared for slick roads, and make sure your vehicle is okay to travel. Above all, be safe as you travel...stay home unless you must get out.


The National Weather Service is also forecasting warmer temperatures and clear, sunny skies starting later today and into the weekend across North Texas.

Road conditions statewide are available online at

photos by Allen Rich