Bonham ISD School Board candidates
By North Texas e-News
Apr 20, 2016
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Bonham -- In an effort to give voters in Bonham ISD an opportunity to learn more about candidates in the upcoming school board election, North Texas e-News is publishing statements from all school board candidates.

In Place 1, Chance Roberts will be running against David Stapp. In this article, candidates' statements will appear in the same order that voters will see the names listed on the ballot. 

Bonham ISD School Board Place 1

Chance Roberts for Bonham ISD School Board Place 1

STEWARD – (noun) one who manages or looks after…

When I think of a school board member, I think of him or her as a steward of:

The Students: by providing a positive learning atmosphere in the form of supplies, safe and efficient facilities and effective educational material

The Taxpayer: by keeping expenditures within reason without sacrificing educational value

The Educator: by supplying the means, technology, atmosphere and supplies necessary to deliver the educational content that we expect for our district

The Administrator:  by approving responsible spending that will improve the quality of education in the district, while ensuring that they honor the trust of the public, and characterize ethical behavior which we all expect of them

As we near the election for several spots on the Bonham ISD School board, I ask for your vote for Place 1. My name is Chance Roberts and I am a proud graduate of Bonham High School.My wife Tiffany and I have a daughter, Maci Mae Roberts, who attends Bailey Inglish for Pre-K. I am employed as a Firefighter/Paramedic for the City of Plano Fire Rescue and an Ag Risk Insurance Agent.

My desire to be a member and “steward” of the Bonham ISD school board comes from the attitude of “service before self” that has characterized my entire adult life. As the district is ever-changing with many challenges ahead, I can be counted on to cast my vote and work for not only positive educational changes but financially responsible decisions.  

Chance Roberts

The growth of every student in Bonham ISD, Pre-K through 12th grade, from number 1 to 150 is important to me. Let me be a steward to you: the students, taxpayers, educators, and administrator. Let me manage and look after the interests of those who put the member on the board in the first place. Vote for me, Chance Roberts, for BISD School Board Place 1.


Chance Roberts


 David Stapp for Bonham ISD School Board Place 1

Bonham, TX – David Stapp announced his candidacy for the Bonham I.S.D.  School Board Place 1.  Mr. Stapp released the following statement to the media.

“I am running for School Board because I am concerned for parents of the children of Bonham, and I am a former teacher. As a proud resident of Bonham for over 12 years, I am impressed by the teachers, staff and administration that are present in the Bonham I.S.D.  However, these educators need more than just educational skills.  All too often I am frustrated with the facilities that are present and the limited capability that the Bonham I.S.D. has in completely performing its tasks. As a  School Board member, I will focus on the appearance and functionality of the District’s structures for the betterment of our current student population and in projecting the image that will attract new residents and economic development to our city,  but with a sound, practical approach.”

David Stapp has over 38 years experience in the petroleum industry and 5 years as a teacher in Texas school systems.  As owner of Texcel Exploration, Inc., he oversees a small oil and gas company and practices as a consulting geologist.  David has served locally as President of the Rotary Club, a director on the Chamber of Commerce and currently serves on the City of Bonham Planning and Zoning Commission.  David and his wife Teresa are members of the First Baptist Church of Bonham. They are actively involved in the continual progress of life in Bonham and cherish the friends they have established here.

David Stapp

David Stapp has exhibited the necessary leadership, experience, and forward thinking to help decide the growing future of the Bonham I.S.D.  Vote David for Bonham School Board Place 1.  David Stapp is ready and willing to work diligently to serve you, the parents of Bonham students, and the Bonham I.S.D.


Early Voting—April 25-May 3

Election Day—May 7

Bonham ISD School Board Place 2

Dana Porter for Bonham ISD School Board Place 2

Dana Porter is running for Place 2 in the upcoming Bonham Independent School District school board election. She is the mother of two 5th-generation Bonham students.

Ms. Porter states, "Through being involved with my own children's academic careers and from substituting frequently at BISD I have seen firsthand the tools our students and teachers have available.  I am very concerned about the outdated tools offered for our students and teachers in our academic arena."

"We have talented students who succeed with what they have. If they had up to date tools and a safe environment available the possibilities would be endless. Our students have shown they want and can achieve their goals. We need to get the community behind this movement to improve the future of our students.  We should not look at our own agendas, but what is best for the future of Bonham.  Our number one priority should always be striving for the best for our students. When our students succeed, it only betters our community."

Dana Porter is a Delta Air Line flight attendant for 25 years. She is also a substitute for the Bonham school system. Dana is the mother of a freshman and senior at Bonham high school. Dana has lived in Bonham for 14 years. 

Randy Pendergrass for Bonham ISD School Board Place 2

I am a Bonham High School graduate; I went on to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University at Commerce. I currently work as an insurance agent at Farm N’ Home Casualty Insurance, on the historic Bonham square.  My wife, Dallas, and I have one son, Bronson, who attends Bailey Inglish Pre-K in Bonham.  We attend Seventh and Main Baptist Church.

Since being appointed to the Bonham ISD School Board in August of 2015, I have learned a tremendous amount about the inner workings of the public school system.  I take each decision very seriously and consider the impact on each student, taxpayer and member of the BISD faculty.  If you have questions for me about where I stand on ANY topics regarding school board issues, please feel free to contact me.

My business experience gives me an advantage when making decisions about BISD.  It is our duty, as a board, to ensure the BISD goals are clearly stated and every attempt is made to reach these goals.  With test and college readiness scores on the rise in Bonham, BISD is at a very pivotal point.  These measureable scores alone are not the only factors in providing our students with the best possible learning environment.  It begins with the board and administration putting the right staff in place to give students, from Head Start to 12th grade, the best possible learning experience.

I will stay focused helping each and every student have the best academic environment, while making sound financial decisions with the taxpayers' money. I will have a very active roll in ensuring the superintendent has the right tools and accountability in place to provide the top educators, facilities, technology and safety for all students of BISD!  I have been, and will continue to be, easily accessible for questions from the community.

I would like to close with a very simple message, "Get informed, get involved and go VOTE!!!"

Bonham ISD School Board Place 3

Sean Floyd for Bonham ISD School Board Place 3

I am the candidate for Place 3 for BISD Trustee. I am employed by TMC Bonham Hospital as the Director of Surgical Services.  I have worked in healthcare for many years, starting as a Hospital Corpsman in the U.S. Navy in 1990 where I served during Desert Shield/ Storm. Upon my Honorable Discharge from active duty, I returned home to Bonham where I attended college at GCC and later at University of Arlington where I graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Nursing. I have two wonderful children, Kylie and Matthew; they both attend BISD.

I have had the pleasure of serving BISD in the recent past. I enjoy being part of a team that serves the children of our community.  This is a job most do not understand. This is one of the only elected positions where the primary people you serve (students) did not elect you. I do understand the balance needed in serving these students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the taxpayer that funds the district. I will do my best to represent all of them with smart, unbiased, thoughtful decisions.

Sean Floyd

I have learned being a board member is just that you are a member of a group who sets goals, policy, and makes decisions as a team, not as an individual.  I have always been involved with a team whether it was athletics as a student, member of the military, as well as a registered nurse in a busy Emergency Room. I have the training and experience needed for this position. 

I will endeavor to make time for anyone that would like to express comments or concerns. My email is   Thank you.

Bonham ISD School Board Place 4

Jason Walker for Bonham ISD School Board Place 4

I am running for Bonham’s School Board because I believe that public education is closely tied to the vitality of our community. Investing in our children now, means a vibrant future for Bonham and the surrounding communities. In order to provide every child with the education they deserve, the Bonham School Board must have a clear vision, create opportunities to support that vision, and be accountable to the public. We must also advocate for our students at every opportunity and be active participants so that we can make the right decision when called upon.

I have been a resident of the Ravenna community most of my life.  My wife, Ashley and I have one child, Colton, who attends Finely-Oates Elementary.  After my wife graduated from Texas State University, we decided to move back to Bonham where Colton will become a 4thgeneration BISD graduate.  Having attended Bonham ISD, I fully understand and appreciate the strengths, opportunities, and possibilities of Bonham ISD along with the challenges we face.

Jason Walker

My education from Bonham ISD afforded me the opportunity to attend Southeastern Oklahoma State University where I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  Since graduating I have worked in the Risk Management Field for several industry leading companies across the United States.  I currently represent Amerisure Insurance Companies as a Risk Management Consultant.  The position allows me to work with corporate and small town companies throughout the country.  The job requires me to analyze data, review customer operations and management controls, then collaborate with them to develop a cost effective solution within their company’s budget.  I continue to further my education through continuing education programs and professional seminars, including speaking and training engagements with customers throughout the southwest with an emphasis on “best” Risk Management practices.

 I look forward to having conversations with you about your priorities, desires, wishes, and challenges we face at Bonham ISD.  I’ll remain open to discussing your concerns and thoughts if elected.   I have attended the majority of the board meetings for the last several years to further my understanding of the operations, budgets constraints, and educational platforms of the school district.  This includes advocating for programs that have been overlooked and not afforded the opportunity to succeed. I will continue to research the issues effecting the students of Bonham ISD locally and state wide in the educational system as I make informed decisions that effect out students. I would appreciate the opportunity to serve as a Bonham ISD board member and appreciate your vote and support.  Feel free to call me at 903-449-6968 with any concerns or question you may have.

Jason Fox for BISD School Board Place 4

Who is Jason Fox?

My name is Jason Fox and I am seeking the position of Bonham ISD Board of Trustee Place 4 on the May 7, 2016 ballot.  I am a lifelong resident of Fannin County and have lived in Bonham the majority of that time. The youngest of two children, I am the son of Jimmy and Robbie Fox, of Bonham.  I graduated from Bonham High School in 1993 and from Texas A&M University-Commerce in 1998 with a Bachelor's Degree in History and English.  For eight years, I taught English at Bonham High School.  My career has taken me to Bells High School where I currently teach freshman English.  Many people around Bonham know me from the years I spent working for Hickory Barbecue in downtown Bonham.  I began working for the Blevins family when I was a freshman at BHS, and I currently work part-time there on the weekends.  In addition, I serve on the City of Bonham Planning and Zoning Commission, to which I was appointed in 2014.  My wife of 16 years, Alisha Andrew Fox, is a kindergarten teacher at Finley-Oates Elementary in Bonham.  I have two children:  Chandler is 13 and an 8th grader at L.H. Rather Junior High, and Ashlyn is 11 and a 5th grader at Bells Elementary. 

Students Come First

When people ask me why I am running for school board, my answer is simple:  I want to do what is best for the students of Bonham ISD.  I have no hidden agendas or vendettas and believe that honesty and transparency are the best strategies for conducting myself as a board member.  Much like teachers exist for presenting engaging lessons to our students, the board exists to oversee the interests of students first; then teachers, administration, and taxpayers. The board must put the well-being and education of our children first and foremost!  The board cannot allow individual personalities and agendas to dictate their actions. 

Jason Fox

If elected, I want to see pride return to our schools.  How do we regain that pride?  We regain it by refocusing our priorities on creating the best conditions possible for the education of our children.  Along with parenting, school experiences, both educational and social, are the most important parts of building character and creating solid, successful citizens. 

Faculty and Staff

Our district must maintain a well-educated and competent administration and faculty.  We must also offer the best possible atmosphere and support for the lifeblood of education:  the teachers.  Without a solid, positive atmosphere, we will continue to see a large turnover of teachers each year.  Working as a team, we can overcome our obstacles and retain our great teachers for the long term.  Retention is a major factor for creating a successful educational experience.

Facilities, Security, and Safety

In addition to a quality education, we must offer our students the safest and best maintained facilities possible.  Our children must feel and be safe at all times.  Safety does not come from well-constructed buildings alone; it also comes from strict guidelines for security and staff preparedness.  In this day, nothing can be taken for granted when it comes to the safety of our children.  We must be proactive in this endeavor! 


I am asking each of you to do what you feel is right for the district.  Regardless of what you vote, please exercise your right as a citizen of this great country and get out and vote!  I appreciate your consideration and look forward to the opportunity of serving this great community and school district.  Vote Jason Fox, Place 4 Bonham ISD Board of Trustees May 7 (early voting begins April 25-May 3).


Jeremy Lucas for Bonham ISD School Board Place 4

 My name is Jeremy Lucas I am running for BISD school board place 4. I believe our school system is one of the greatest assets in our community.

The best learning environment for students, best working environment for faculty, and the most enjoyable experience for everyone involved with the utmost consideration to and for the community are my reasons for running for this position.

Jeremy Lucas

I will represent the community to the best of my ability to ensure the school system as a whole continues to move forward in a positive way.

Jeremy Lucas


Bonham ISD School Board Place 5

LaTonia Arris for Bonham School Board Place 5

I am originally from Honey Grove and relocated to Fannin County when my family moved to Bonham in 2014. I have been married 22 years and have three amazing boys that attend Bonham ISD. I volunteer as a project leader for the Fannin County 4H Club by educating kids on Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Consumer Decision Making and Community Service.

I obtained my Associate of Applied Science from Temple College and became a registered nurse in 2000. In 2002, I graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a certification in Medical/Surgical Nursing. I returned to the University of Texas at Arlington to earn a Master’s of Science in Nursing and a Nursing Education Certification in 2005.

I had the privilege of coauthoring an article published in the Journal of Professional Nursing. Continuing my education, I attended the University of Alabama and obtained a Doctorate of Nursing Practice in 2015. I maintained membership with the Texas Nursing Association and the American Nurses Association. I was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau, Delta Theta Chapter in 2003.

I currently serve on three Nursing Advisory Councils: Texas A&M University-Commerce, Grayson College, and Paris Junior College. I was appointed to special emphasis committees at our previous school district that rezoned our entire catchment area, and bus routes. 

I believe our future is determined by our youth. Educators are given a huge responsibility of molding our youth to fit the expectations of our society, and are often times given standardized methods to achieve these unrealistic goals. Our children are not standardized. They are unique and should be treated as such.

Our educators deserve our support. This support should not only come from the school board that governs their practices, but also from the community and individual family units. I hope to help change the current culture of entitlement and negativity to one that embraces our students' individualism and cultural differences, presents education as a positive endeavor and, most of all, empowers our educators. I would be honored to serve on the school board as your representative.

LaTonia Arris


Todd Orsak for Bonham School Board Place 5

My name is Todd Orsak and I am the incumbent for Bonham Independent School District School Board Place 5.  I am a pilot, flight instructor, and local farmer who understands the value that education brings to families and the community as a whole. 

My wife, three children, and I joined the Bonham community almost 10 years ago after an extensive search of outlying Dallas communities. Bonham immediately felt like home and my wife and I have been active volunteers in the community ever since.

The last three years on the school board have been a whirlwind.  A lot has been accomplished, but more definitely needs to be done.  During the last three years, the students of BISD have seen improved test scores, more dual credit courses in our high school, FFA classes in middle school, and iPads and personal computers have been distributed throughout the district. 

We have also expanded our students' extracurricular activities with men and women’s soccer, robotics, and by the end of this year a new Ag barn, which will allow those who do not live outside the city limits a place to keep their show animal.  We have also remained focused on the voter mandate to be fiscally responsible good stewards of the BISD facilities our fathers and forefathers worked so hard to provide.  We completed the I.W. Evans renovation on time and under budget, providing a topnotch facility for future generation BISD students. 

We also completed numerous capital improvements, all without increasing tax dollars and keeping BISD one of the lowest school tax districts in Fannin County.  Some of these improvements include (but are not limited to) new A/C units in L.H. Rather, new electronic signage at Finley Oates Elementary and Bonham High School, fences district-wide, a new turf softball field, Ag barn land purchase, storage for our band students' instruments, and a new turf field at the stadium for our football, soccer, and band students.  On top of giving our students a new field, we reduced our yearly field maintenance cost, saving the district money. 

We have also increased teacher salaries, pushed to improve the workplace environment, and strived to make BISD a destination for BISD students and teachers alike.

When I joined the BISD board three years ago, I did so saying, "I want to help and improve the district for its students, employees, and all the BISD taxpayers." 

My focus has not changed from that original statement. Now, after three years, I am better equipped to help keep us heading in the right direction.  While we have done numerous good things for BISD and the Bonham area, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done.

We need to continue to strive to equip our kids with the best education possible. We need to insure the community has the best fiscally responsible facilities we can provide.  We need to insure that our educators/administrators make BISD a place everyone in the community can be proud of.  I will remain committed to the students, as they are our future.  I will remain committed to the educators, as there is no more critical job in the world than the development of our youth.  I will remain committed to the taxpayers, as I am a steward of your money and without sound fiscal responsibility, BISD will not stand a chance.

As I hope you all know, my door is always open.  I cannot do my job of representing your best interests and beliefs if I don't hear from you.  I will always make myself available to talk, listen, or work on your questions or concerns.  

Thank you for your consideration and support in the upcoming election.

 Todd Orsak


(214) 361-0289 cell