Ally Dobbels crowned 2016 Bonham Homecoming Queen
By Allen Rich
Sep 18, 2016
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Bonham -- It was a night to remember, particularly for one young lady, as Ally Dobbels was crowned as the 2016 Bonham High School Homecoming Queen and then later an exciting game had fans on their feet in the fourth quarter.

Halftime activities began with a welcome back for the 2015 Bonham High School Homecoming Queen, Ashley Woodruff, daughter of Jan and Mykol Woodruff. Ashley is attending Texas A&M University.

Freshmen, sophomore and junior nominees for class Duchess were announced, along with the senior Princesses.

The pageantry culminated with the crowning of Ally Dobbels as the 2016 Bonham High School Homecoming Queen. Ally is the daughter of Sandy and Scott Dobbels and was escorted by her father.

Bonham senior Jonathan Uland presents a bouquet to the new Homecoming Queen, Ally Dobbels.

(L-R) 2015 Bonham High School Homecoming Queen, Ashley Woodruff, and the 2016 Bonham High School Homecoming Queen, Ally Dobbels

2016 Homecoming Court

photos by Allen Rich