The Critical Couch Potato Reviews the DVD "Ella Enchanted"
By J Osborne
Aug 30, 2004
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“Ella Enchanted” was released by Buena Vista Home Entertainment Tuesday (Aug. 24). I believe it’s worth more than just a rental. Even though it is a child’s movie (in spite of the PG rating), I believe that adults can also fully enjoy the movie.

“Ella Enchanted” surprised me and was far more than I thought. I was already looking forward to it thanks to the prerelease and I wasn’t the least bit disappointed.

The movie starts with the narrator (voiced by Eric Idle) starting the movie as though telling a story. He tells about the kingdom of Firth and the custom of fairies giving gifts to new born royalty. The fairy Lucinda gives Ella of Frell the gift of obedience — meaning Ella has to do obey any order she is given. The tale unfolds as her gift is revealed and she sets out to confront Lucinda and have her remove the gift.

Kids, I think, will enjoy “Ella Enchanted” for the comedy, action, and, I believe, some of the intentionally cheesy CGI, while the adults will enjoy the witty reparte and modern twists to midieval society.

Overall, “Ella Enchanted” is an entertaining story and a great movie for families to see together — highly entertaining, heartwarming and fun to watch. It is a sweet movie, and in this generation of ratings often being far too lenient, it keeps its “innocence” fairly intact. Today’s children, in my opinion, need to see that there is more to life then falling in love or owning stuff. They need to realize that being the person they are can sometimes be even more fulfilling than having everything wished for.

Ella of Frell (Anne Hathaway) talks with the elf Slannen of Pim (Aidan McArdle) on her way to free herself from her gift of obedience.

“Ella Enchanted” is filled with familiar music, humorous “references” to our modern day world and the same sweetly played character from Anne Hathaway’ “Princess Diaries.” It’s sort of like a live-action Shrek movie with a little bit of “Princess Bride” mixed in.

Miramax did a great job not turning the romance between Ella and Prince Char into a major plotline, instead, the story is about a girl who embarks on a “larger then life” journey to remove a curse from her life — merely to find herself, inner peace, strength, courage and the ability to change her world.

For those who want more than entertainment from a child’s movie, there is also a secondary plot-line — prejudice.

Ella of Frell (Anne Hathaway) tries to escape after her step sisters told her to steal some things at the market.

The introduction of prejudice and the ways to confront it (giants, ogres and elves are basically second class citizens in this release) was great. It opened up possibilities for discussion about how others should be treated. It was lighthearted and engaging. With the scenes concerning Prince Char and his fan club, the release also made subtle jabs about how many people just look at politics as a fashion show or a popularity contest instead of looking to the deeper issues of the political contest.

“Ella Enchanted” was a great little release. At the end of the DVD, I found myself smiling. It was clean, interesting, and well developed. The character of Ella sets an excellent standard for women and girls everywhere.

Cast: Anne Hathaway, Hugh Dancy, Cary Elwes, Vivica A. Fox, Minnie Driver, Joanna Lumley and Lucy Punch

“Ella Enchanted”

Rating: (*** 1/2 out of *****)

Ella of Frell (Anne Hathaway) beats up on some toughs accidently in her rescue of the elf Slannen of Pim (Aidan McArdle)

Synopsis: (Courtesy of Buena Vista Home Entertainment) In the winning tradition of “The Princess Diaries,” Miramax Home Entertainment presents “Ella Enchanted”, the hip fairytale about love and adventure, available on DVD and VHS on August 24. Starring Anne Hathaway, this enchanting film boasts a fun, colorful cast of characters and a great soundtrack. Based on the award-winning novel by Gail Carson Levine, “Ella Enchanted”’s cast includes Hugh Dancy, Cary Elwes, Vivica A. Fox, Joanna Lumley with Minnie Driver and Eric Idle as the Narrator. The film’s hot soundtrack includes music from Jesse McCartney, Kelly Clarkson and Raven.

Vivica Fox stars as Lucinda Perriweather and Anne Hathaway stars as Ella of Frell.

On DVD, “Ella Enchanted” boasts loads of bonus materials including the “It’s Not Just Make Believe” Music Video performed by Kari Kimmel; Prince Charmont’s Fan Club set top game; a Red Carpet Premiere Special; “The Magical World of “Ella Enchanted”” program; deleted and extended scenes, audio commentary with Anne Hathaway, Hugh Dancy and director Tommy O’Haver; and the “Happily Ever After – Create Your Own Story” DVD Rom feature. Screenplay by Laurie Craig and Karen McCullah Lutz & Kirsten Smith and Jennifer Heath & Michele J. Wolff. Based on the book by Gail Carson Levine. Directed by Tommy O’Haver.

Ella of Frell and Prince Char look at their destination from a tall hill. Anne Hathaway stars as Ella of Frell and Hugh Dancy stars as Prince Charmont.

In “Ella Enchanted”, Ella (Anne Hathaway) lives in a fanciful and magical world where all children are given a “gift” from a fairy Godmother at the moment of their birth. Little Ella’s birthright is the gift – and curse – of obedience. As a result of this unfortunate circumstance, Ella cannot refuse any command, and is often left at the mercy of unscrupulous personalities. In a bid to regain control of her life, Ella goes on a quest to free herself from this mysterious curse. Ella must outwit a kingdom filled with ogres, giants, wicked stepsisters, talking books and evil plots. And if she’s lucky, she may find love along the way.

MPAA Rating: PG, for some crude humor and language

Running Time: 96 minutes

(Top to Bottom) Jim Carter stars as Nish, Anne Hathaway stars as Ella of Frell, Aidan McArdle stars as Slannen of Pim. ELLA ENCHANTED is available to own on DVD and Video Aug. 24.

DVD extras

Audio Commentaries

• Tommy O'Haver Director, Stars Anne Hathaway and Hugh Dancy

• Deleted Scenes

• Featurettes:

The Magical World of “Ella Enchanted”

Ella Enchanged Red Carpet Premiere Special

Music Video: Kari Kimmel “It's Not Just Make Believe”

Interactive Features: Prince Charmont's Fan Club Set Top Game

DVD Rom Features: Happily Ever After

Ella of Frell and Prince Char walk together. Anne Hathaway stars as Ella of Frell and Hugh Dancy stars as Prince Charmont.