Fannin County Commissioners Court to vote on Bois d'Arc Lake Zoning Oct. 30
By Jarrett Tucker
Sep 26, 2018
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Vote to come during regular meeting
at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 30

Fannin County, Texas – At the regular meeting of Fannin County Commissioners Court, the meeting opened with the invocation which was delivered by David Woodson.  A quorum was established with all in attendance.


Before public forum, Judge Carter asked Darrell Brewer, Fannin County Emergency Management Director, to give court an update with regards to possible disaster relief from the state or FEMA. Mr. Brewer stated that the county would not meet the threshold for assistance from either the state or from FEMA from this weather event. He did say that there are still 21 roads closed, and that they are diligently working to get them reopened.


In public forum this week James Manis announced that there would be a Military Memorial Service for Billy Morrow on October 5, 2018 on 5th street outside the old armory.


Then public forum and agenda item number five were almost indistinguishable.  Fifteen individuals spoke both for and against the zoning for Bois d’Arc Lake.

Item number five was to hear a presentation on the highlights of the lake zoning regulations given by Erica Craycraft from Freese and Nichols. Then there was a public hearing, but no action was taken in the adoption of Lake Zoning Regulations, or to amend the Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map, as recommended by the Lake Zoning Commission on 9/19/2018.

Erica Craycraft prepares for the zoning presentation.

All of the information dealing with the lake zoning can be found at

With the final vote on zoning scheduled for October 30, this gives all concerned time to voice their desires for zoning to the court. As Judge Carter stated, we can: 1. Adopt it the way it is, 2. Change it, or 3. Not zone at all.

Jennifer Flippo also informed the court during the zoning discussion that NTMWD was working on their shoreline management plan, and by January 2020 would have information regarding boat docks on the lake.

Agenda item number six and seven dealt with a subdivision matter, but were passed on as more information was needed.

Item eight approved the change order for an additional $1,500.00 for curbing, ramp and sidewalk for the parking lot at Derrell Hall Education Center Bid 18015 to be paid out of 10-516-450 R & M Building.

Agenda item number nine was to approve the leasing for another six (6) month period or purchase of the existing fencing at the Fannin County Courthouse for the Restoration Project and approve funding source. The court after some discussion decided to purchase the fencing at a cost of $14, 314.93 from Viking fencing.

Agenda item ten approved the County Child Welfare Services Non-Financial Agreement with the Texas Department of Family and Protectives Services (DFPS).

Item number eleven approved the buyback of employee compensatory time that is over the maximum allowed by our policy at a cost not to exceed $6000; this will be taken out of contingency.

Item twelve approved budget amendments from the Fannin County Auditor’s Office for fiscal year 2017/2018.

Agenda item thirteen approved potential year end budget amendments. There were two amended budget items. The first was County Office Relocation which was over budget $13,752.69, and this will be taken out of contingency. The 336th District Court was over budget, an estimated, $92,853.13. After some discussion, it was determined that these funds would come from contingency until it was depleted, then from the general fund.

Agenda item fourteen took the court to EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss personnel matters, there was no action taken on this item, which meant the same for item fifteen.

Agenda item sixteen approved the adoption of the Fannin County Budget for fiscal year 2018 -2019 as discussed.

Item seventeen approved payment of the bills.

Comments by the County Commissioners and County Judge was agenda item eighteen.

·        Commissioner Whitlock commented on the zoning, and hopes everyone will keep an open mind, and wants the regulations to be not so strict.

·        Commissioner Barker felt the morning had been long but productive working on the zoning and budget. He feels there will be lots of issues with the zoning, but feels we can work it out, and wants everybody to get along and be the best we can be.

·        Commissioner Magness feels we can come to an agreement and that it will get better.

·        Commissioner Lackey feels that the zoning decision will be the hardest that he will make in this office. He also appreciated all the county employees work during this weather event.

·        Judge Carter’s comments were as follows:

o   He received a letter from the Texas Department of Emergency Management stating that we are eligible to apply for low interest loans for damage during the wildfires.

o   He also received an email from the City of Leonard that they had notified TCEQ and was notifying the county that there was an unauthorized release of 100,000 gallons of waste water over the last few days.

o   Judge Carter also appreciates the hard work the commissioners do. Also, we need to plan together, and try to see down the road and plan the best we can. There will be a lot of work to do.

Agenda item nineteen was to adjourn the meeting.

If you have any questions or comments for your county commissioners or county judge, their contact information can be found at the web addresses below.