Gov. Abbott announces schools will remain closed, gives details to reopen Texas
By Allen Rich
Apr 19, 2020
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Austin, Texas -- At a news conference Friday, April 17, 2020, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that all school classrooms will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year as he outlined the initial steps in a gradual, strategic reopening of the state, while continuing to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect public health.

A flattening of the curve in Texas due to preventative steps such as  Governor Abbott's stay-at-home order, physical distancing and the wearing of masks is allowing the state to look at a timeline to ease restrictions. The statewide stay-at-home order expires April 30.

"You truly have saved lives around Texas and we need you to continue those efforts," Abbott said.

The governor did warn that a spike of infections and deaths could lead to tightened restrictions and he pointed out that a targeted solution would call for localized restrictions in communities experiencing an outbreak of confirmed cases of COVID-19.

A dramatic increase in testing will be a "core component" of this plan, Abbott promised, adding that it may be necessary to test entire communities that are struggling to contain the novel coronavirus.

 "In reopening Texas, we must be guided by data and doctors," stated Abbott as he announced a COVID-19 Task Force that will be tasked with formulating the gradual, strategic reopening.

Abbott said the current restrictions on elective surgery and other day-to-day medical procedures will be loosened April 22 when additional restrictions will also be lifted.

"It's time to allow these doctors and nurses to return to work," the governor remarked, although he noted the battle to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus must continue.

In an effort to ensure that Texans will have access to outdoor recreation, state parks will reopen Monday, April 20. However, visitors must wear face coverings or masks and continue to practice physical distancing in all state parks.

Gov. Abbott also revealed that retail-to-go can reopen across Texas in one week on Friday, April 24. Shoppers won't be allowed inside these retail businesses, but curbside service would be the first step in his plan to gradually reopen Texas.

Additional openings will be announced April 27.

"Together, we can bend the curve," Abbott stated. "Step by step, we will reopen Texas."