Bonham Police Department Detective Sergeant Terry Edington named Employee of the Month
By Allen Rich
Nov 11, 2020
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Bonham, Texas -- Bonham Police Department Detective Sergeant Terry Edington joined the ranks of exceptional City of Bonham employees who have been singled out for their dedicated service to residents of Bonham. That announcement came Monday, November 9, 2020 during a regular meeting of Bonham City Council when Det. Sgt. Edington was named October 2020 Employee of the Month for the City of Bonham.

Edington has been with the City of Bonham for 12 years and is described as a very dedicated professional. He demonstrates great character and high values every day and is a task- and detail-oriented team player. As a retired member of the U.S. Armed Forces (Army), Edington has been instrumental in organizing the joint honor guard between the Bonham Police Department, Bonham Fire Department and Fannin County Sheriff's Office.

(L-R) Bonham City Councilmember Kevin Hayes and Bonham Police Department Detective Sergeant Terry Edington

The City of Bonham is in the second year of this program to recognize outstanding employees.

Each Employee of the Month receives four hours of paid time off and a $50 gift certificate. At the end of the year, the Employee of the Year will receive eight hours of paid time off and a $250 gift certificate.


Bonham Mayor Pro Tem H. Compton presided over the meeting in the absence of Bonham Mayor Roy Floyd. Councilmembers Tim LaVergne and Wayne Moore were also absent. Mayor pro tem Compton asked for continued prayers as Mayor Floyd and Councilmember Moore overcome health issues.


Bonham City Council approved minutes of the October 12 regular meeting.


Dave Struchtemeyer, CPA, Director of Finance for the City of Bonham, presented the October 2020 financial report to Bonham City Council.

"The first month of the Fiscal Year shows the General Fund in a deficit position," Mr. Struchtemeyer noted. "This is normal since 90% of our ad valorem revenue is collected during the months of January through March.  Ad valorem revenue makes up nearly 40% of General Fund revenues for the year. We will start showing residuals in January as ad valorem revenues begin rolling in.  Just a quick reminder, this year was budgeted with a paper thin residual of only $13,000." 


In the segment of the meeting reserved for residents to address Bonham City Council, Lee Dempsey, a city resident who has been spearheading the campaign to freeze city taxes for 65 and older, announced that the petition drive was successful. Ms. Dempsey and other volunteers needed signatures from 238 registered voters who live in the city limits in order to place this before voters in the May 2021 municipal election. They were able to collect 444 signatures in only two weeks.

"Remember, we need to get the vote out in May," Dempsey stated.

Lee Dempsey

Fannin Central Appraisal District Chief Appraiser Mike Jones pointed out that, if city residents vote to freeze city taxes for 65 and older, the order can't be rescinded or repealed.

"The question is, what's the impact?" Mr. Jones asked.

Mike Jones

The dilemma that both sides will address in the months ahead is what would be the accumulative impact of a tax freeze that would gradually redistribute a portion of the tax burden?


Bonham City Council approved a Specific Use Permit request for property ID numbers 127748, 91557, 91527, 127745, 127746 and 127747 to change from single family residential to multi-family residential. The project will involve 13 lots and 26 doors.

Neighbor Doris McCullough spoke against changing the zoning to multi-family residential.

"Single dwelling homes are fine," remarked Ms. McCullough. "Make it look nice, but no duplexes."


Bonham City Council voted to disband the Fannin County Water Supply Agency. FCWSA has had difficulty getting a quorum at recent meetings and doesn't have funds necessary to construct distribution lines. The agency has discussed disbanding and has asked each board member to discuss the matter with the corresponding entity. Lance Capehart serves as the City of Bonham representative on the FCWSA.


Councilmembers voted to ratify the action of the BEDCo Board to purchase 122 West 3rd St Bonham, TX for BEDCo and approved the budget amendment to BEDCo’s FY 2021 budget for this purchase and associated costs.


Councilmembers discussed scheduling a joint Bonham City Council and BEDCo Board workshop and update on staff implementation of VisBon 2025 goals and objectives.


Bonham City Council voted to pay the final pay request to Heritage Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $130,044.22 contingent upon Texas Water Development Board approval for the Waste water Treatment Plant Improvements TWDB CWSRF # 73735.


Councilmembers tabled ordinances created to possibly address citizen concerns regarding illegal parking and a variety of nuisances associated with alcohol consumption associated with a pizza bar located at 308 W. Sam Rayburn Dr.

While everyone agrees that this business has outgrown its current location, the city will need legal counsel regarding the proper way to address the issue.


Bonham City Council approved an ordinance amending Ordinance 1387 establishing the monthly rates charged for hangar rentals at the City of Bonham Jones Field Municipal Airport. Councilmembers voted to continue the practice of increasing hangar rent by 3% annually.