BEDCo Board updates, & approvals
By Bonham Economic Development Corporation
Feb 24, 2021
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Bonham, Texas -- This past Monday (2/22/21) evening BEDCo’s Board of Directors received a ‘clean opinion’ on the FY2020 audit and witnessed Glenn Taylor passing the gavel to Alan McDonald assuming his duties as Board President. Mr. Taylor continues to serve on the board. Kelly Royse was unanimously elected Vice President of the Board. These two changes continue through the remainder of this term (August) when annual board officer elections are held.


The full board approved a staff recommendation to temporarily amend the Guidelines and Criteria of the much utilized Downtown Bonham – Save Our Structures (DB-SOS) Leveraged Grant program to allow for critical ‘Snowmaggeddon’ repairs caused by the recent extreme cold snap [2/13/21 thru 2/25/21 inclusive] as eligible program expenses, with a maximum award being $1,500. This action parallels one taken in 2014 for damages incurred by the Great 2013 Ice Storm. Businesses or properties must still meet other program eligibility requirement which can be found on listed under Projects on BEDCo’s webpage:


Previously discussed with the board during their recent joint workshop with the city council, BEDCo’s board approved a budget amendment to contribute $40,300 [62%] toward the purchase of a Bonham Utilities Wastewater model with the City funding [38%] the remainder of the $65,000 purchase package. The model is needed quickly in preparation to accommodate anticipated growth across the entire sewer system with particular emphasis on the US Hwy 82/TX Hwy 121 commercial growth corridor!


Among his first actions as Board President McDonald designated a board working group to continue efforts to craft an RFP/RFQ in coordination with the city staff and potentially including participation by the Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce Board for a Downtown Bonham Master Plan. This group will report back to the full board in March. 

Following a brief executive session, the board approved a staff recommendation to provide assistance to ASF Modular for their planned expansion to Bonham to the former Right Pointe building in Bonham’s Industrial Park, 1530 Texas Avenue.

The structure requires retrofitting of a fire suppression (aka sprinkler) system to comply with Bonham’s Life/Safety Building Codes for any future tenant to occupy. The assistance incentive will be performance-based payable in three installments (50%, 25%, 25%) totaling $88,150 and is subject to city council ratification of the board’s action and approval of the budget amendment.  Staff anticipates this action will be forward to the city council for consideration at their regular March meeting.