Texoma Health Foundation supports Fannin County Juvenile Services Counseling Program
By media release
Jan 31, 2022
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Fannin County, Texas -- Texoma Health Foundation Board Member Bill Wilson and Accounting Manager Kim Tillete-Pool presented a check in the amount of $25,000 to Fannin County Juvenile Services Director Brandon Caffee. The funds were awarded as a result of a grant application submitted by Director Caffee on behalf of Juvenile Services to obtain funding to expand the Liberty Resources Program (“Liberty”). Liberty is a counseling program serving families with teenagers in the juvenile justice system.

Liberty Resources program provides counseling services to the youth as well as the parents. The focus is to improve outcomes for the family unit. Most of the time the services are provided in the home. Parents receive instruction on new or improved parenting techniques and coaching as the new techniques are applied in the home. The juvenile also receives counseling and support to address issues the juvenile is facing at the time.

“Juvenile Services has been using the Liberty Resources program for 5 years and it has been one of the most effective tools to assist rehabilitation of juveniles and support their families for us in Fannin County,” reported Director Caffee.

On hand for the presentation was the Fannin County Juvenile Board, which includes members County Judge Randy Moore, County Court at Law Judge Charles Butler, and Chairman of the Board, District Judge Laurine J. Blake. Additionally, probation officers Ashely Wilson and Landon Liebel were in attendance.

(L-R) Judge Randy Moore, Judge Charles Butler, Director Brandon Caffee, Bill Wilson, Kim Tillete-Pool, Landon Liebel, Judge Lauri Blake

“I rely heavily on the support provided by Liberty Resources counselor Lindsey Pierce during the course of time a juvenile is on conditions of release from the court or placed on juvenile probation. The juvenile and parents of the juvenile benefit from the one-on-one counseling and guidance this program provides,” stated Judge Blake. “I’m grateful Texoma Health Foundation has taken this step to expand the beneficial serves Liberty provides us in Fannin County.”