Burnett and Rodriguez vie to represent Ward 1 on Bonham City Council
By Allen Rch
May 7, 2022
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Bonham, Texas -- This article includes statements by the two candidates for Ward 1 on Bonham City Council, John Burnett and Tony Rodriguez.

The special election for Ward No. 1 on May 7 will be for a one-year term that opened up when David Odom resigned.

Candidates' statements are listed in the same order that their names will appear on the ballot.

The Roy V. Floyd Community Center, 1100 W. 5th St., will be the polling place for Election Day voting on May 7.

Candidates must live in the ward they are running to represent, however all city voters can vote in the election.

John Burnett 

John Burnett, announced his candidacy for Bonham City Council. Burnett outlined these reasons and qualifications for wishing to serve the people of Bonham. Below is a summary of those qualifications and why his serving on the Council will benefit Bonham.



Growth is coming. It can be good or bad. For growth to be good, the city must be prepared. For Bonham to be prepared, decisions concerning our future must be made now. I have the training and experience to help make those decisions.


Married to Kay Towery Burnett for 52 years, two successful sons, six grandkids


Graduated from Bonham High School in 1967

Graduated from East Texas State University in 1971

Employed by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co for 16 yrs

Owned and operated a retail tire store in Bonham for 34 yrs


Member of the Bonham Kiwanis Club for over 30 years, president three times. Bonham Area Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year and Legacy Award recipient.

John Burnett

Former Board Member and volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. Board Member for Randolph Cemetery Association and Cemetery Trust. Former Bonham ISD Board Member, Board President for two years. Previously served on the Bonham Council for 16 years.

I am honored to have your vote and support.

John Burnett

Tony Rodriguez announces candidacy!

A VOTE for me is a VOTE for you!!

I’m asking for your support for City Council for the City of Bonham.

Bonham has such a potential with four major highways, the restoration of our courthouse, the Sam Rayburn House and Library, the railroad depot and trades day. With the new Bois d'Arc lake, Bonham State Park and our own Lake Bonham, we have so much to offer the people who come through our town, so we must work diligently to fix our streets, clean up and take pride in our small town and I am willing to work on that 100% to accomplish this with my fellow councilmen, the BEDCO board and all the city staff.

Tony Rodriguez

We must work together to do the best we can to serve the citizens of Bonham.

Thank you for your support.

If you have any questions you can call or text at 903-486-5560.

Tony Rodriguez