Getting Ahead Fannin County honors Spring 2022 Graduates
By Cynthia Godbey
Jun 1, 2022
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Fannin County, Texas -- On Saturday, May 21 Getting Ahead Fannin County celebrated the graduation of their fifth and largest class with approximately eighty family members, friends and community supporters in attendance to cheer the graduates on. Thirteen participants, known as investigators, completed an eye-opening, 16-week workshop for people who lack resources and were recognized for their accomplishments during the ceremony.

Back row, L to R - Ernie Mueller, Kimberly Starrett, Shasta Romero-Vann, Leeza McIntier, Kelly Booe, Crystal Thomas, Sue English, Philip Bullington. Front row L to R - Trysta Lappin, Deborah Spindle, Kristen Pless, Kayla Perkins, Heatherann Turner

The 2022 Getting Ahead graduates began their work in February with Patty Kreider facilitating their study “Getting Ahead in a Just Getting’ By World”, assisted by co-facilitator Sonya Elmore. The investigators took an in-depth look at themselves and the impact of poverty in their own lives and after a period of self-reflection, they investigated poverty in our community. The session ended with each investigator creating a personal plan, based on his or her goals and dreams, to build a better future.

Sonya Elmore, Getting Ahead graduate and co-facilitator, was the guest speaker for the graduation ceremony. Elmore shared her personal journey from generational poverty and drug abuse to sobriety and financial stability. Elmore explained how the Getting Ahead program helped her recognize her own potential and advance to a better paying job, which in turn allowed her to purchase a vehicle and be well on her way to the life she has always dreamed of.  Her story was inspiring to all in attendance.

Tania Pena, graduate from the fall 2022 class, shared how she experienced several “aha!” moments during her participation in Getting Ahead which resulted in a better life for her family. As she passed the torch to the new graduates, Pena encouraged the investigators to put what they learned into practice. She quoted from Admiral William H. McRaven’s famous commencement speech “… if you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”

Kreider and Elmore then awarded each investigator a certificate and a yellow rose. 

Heatherann Turner

District Judge Laurie Blake offered words of congratulations and encouragement to the graduates. Blake presented each investigator with an engraved bois d’arc pen custom-made by David Keene.

Kristen Pless

Graduate Deborah Spindle expressed her thanks to the facilitators and said, “The Getting Ahead program has changed the course of my life. When I started, I knew very few people in my community. I felt lost and unsure of how to start moving my life forward. The people I have met and the lessons I have learned have sparked a fire in me. I feel empowered to change, with a community to help guide me, and a hope for my future.”

“I learned it is okay to ask for help when I need it, and not to be so fearful of feeling judged by others,” said graduate Shasta Romero-Van.

Graduate Philip Bullington stated, “Getting Ahead has shown me that I can learn about Bonham. But mostly that I can grow even though I am disabled. The classes opened my eyes about the area—people and their needs, how I might be able to help, that my opinion counts.”

“Even though all seems lost, as long as you persevere there is always hope of a bright tomorrow,” shared graduate Trysta Lappin.

A reception followed the graduation ceremony.

Crystal Thomas

The Getting Ahead program is for people who are living in poverty or unstable situations.  It’s about building economic stability for themselves and a better future for their communities. The idea of “getting ahead” means action and movement – getting ahead of where they are now, toward a future that they really want.

The program is sponsored by District Attorney Richard Glaser, the Fannin County Ministerial Alliance and Texoma Regional Foundation. The Getting Ahead Steering Committee is very grateful for the support provided by local businesses and churches.

Kelly Booe

Getting Ahead Fannin County is currently accepting applications for their 2022 fall session, scheduled to begin in mid-August at the Bailey Inglish Early Childhood Center. Learn more at