State Senator Bob Deuell and State Representative Larry Phillips joined a standing-room-only crowd that flowed out of the courtroom and down the hall and Fannin County Judge Derrell Hall welcomed the crowd and gave the invocation.
The next order of business was to fill a Justice of the Peace vacancy in Precinct 2.
“As commissioner of Precinct 2,” Commissioner Stan Barker stated, “I make a motion we appoint Alan Hale as J.P. in Precinct 2.”
The motion passed with a unanimous vote and the new J.P. had the honor of being sworn in by his wife, retiring J.P. Sue Dobbs Hale.
Judge Hall paused to recognize retiring Fannin County Sheriff T. Moore for his years of service.
Constables Craig Nichols (Pct. 1), Bob Clemons (Pct.2) and James Woods (Pct. 3) were then sworn in by Hall, as were Fannin County Commissioners Dewayne Strickland (Pt. 3) and Ronnie Rhudy (Pct. 1). Fannin County Tax Assessor – Collector Pam Sweet Richardson was also sworn in by Judge Hall.
New Fannin County Sheriff Kenneth Moore followed, with his oath of office being performed by Judge Corinne Nelson of Collin County.
Fannin County Attorney Richard Glaser and 336th District Judge Lauri Blake were both sworn in by Fannin County Clerk Margaret “Polly” Gilbert.
“We have a fine slate of new workers,” Judge Hall said in closing, “and your attendance here today was extremely important to all of us.”
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