North Central Texas Urban Forestry Workshop set Feb. 17
By media release
Feb 15, 2005
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We are again starting the year off with a bang by co-hosting the North Central Texas Urban Forestry Workshop with the Cross Timbers Urban Forestry Council.

This year’s workshop will be held in Grand Prairie at the Ruthie Jackson Center on February 17, and as always includes a host of outstanding speakers and topics.

We are honored to have Dr. Dave Appel back with us this year to talk about Sudden Oak Death (SOD), biology, control, and the latest on where this dangerous pathogen came from and the current status of the disease in Texas.

Also speaking will be Dr. Michael Merchant, Entomologist with the Texas Cooperative Extension Service, who will be speaking about Integrated Pest Management (IMP). Dr. Raul Cabrera, also with the Extension Service will cover topics related to mineral nutrition, nutrient disorders, and best fertilization management practices for newly planted and established trees and shrubs.

Kevin Bassett with Arborilogical Services, Inc. will be discussing ways to recognize potential tree failures, and what we as Arborist can do to correct them. And last, but certainly not least, don’t miss Renee Burke-Brown, City of Plano Urban Forester, who will be talking about Comprehensive Urban Tree Inventories, different methods and technologies being used today.

Again this year there will be a raffle and a silent auction to help raise money for TBUFC and Cross Timbers so that we can continue to offer such high quality training programs. And don’t forget the vendors, the fabulous lunch, and the time to interact with others in the profession.

Hope to see you all there! For questions contact Matt Grubisich, 214/953-1190 or