Work begins on Leon Hurse Dam spillway
By Upper Trinity Regional Water District
Oct 18, 2022
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Fannin County, Texas -- Construction of the Leon Hurse Dam spillway, on the north end of the dam, is scheduled to begin in October. Construction of the dam and spillway will continue into mid-2025. UTWRD contractor Granite is constructing the spillway, which will use a combination of Roller Compacted Concrete (a lean concrete mixture) and reinforced concrete for spillway construction. Approximately 136,000 cubic yards of concrete will be used.
October construction also includes work on several slurry trenches for the reservoir. Trenches north and south of the dam create a low permeability barrier across the foundation to prevent seepage beneath it. The contractor will finish installing the final half of the slurry trench on the north side of the dam and begin installing the remainder of the slurry trenches in October.
Crews continue placing compacted dirt for the dam embankment on both sides of the dam. The completed dam will consist of approximately 5.02 million cubic yards of dirt, enough to fill a football field three thousand feet deep.
 The spillway is designed to pass the 100-year flood. Any floods greater than a 100-year event will pass over the emergency spillway.