Fannin County, Texas -- My name is Cody Shook, and I’m proud to announce that I am running for Fannin County Sheriff in the March 5th, 2024 Republican primary election. As a Chief of Police and citizen of Fannin County, I see a need for proactive, forward-thinking, and accountable leadership in the Sheriff's Office.
As Sheriff, I will be transparent, honest, accountable, and fair in all law enforcement matters. I will be aggressive in the enforcement of law and order, while protecting the God-given, constitutionally protected rights of the people. I will also maintain fiscal responsibility and seek non-taxpayer funded sources to improve the training, productivity, and efficiency of the Fannin County Sheriff's Office.
I plan to improve relationships between the Sheriff's Office and other local, regional, and state law enforcement partners. Additionally, I intend to develop better relationships between law enforcement and the citizens of Fannin County. This can be addressed through better mental health programs, homelessness assistance, and improved cooperation with community-focused groups, non-profits, and local businesses to address these issues.
During my career in public safety, I had the privilege to serve in roles that include firefighting, emergency medical services, major disaster response, and law enforcement. This has been at the state, county, and city levels.
As a law enforcement officer, I hold a variety of state certifications and training records that include an Advanced Texas Peace Officer license, Sexual Assault and Family Violence Investigator, Field Training Officer, Law Enforcement Supervisor, Law Enforcement Instructor, Mental Health Officer, Narcotics Investigator, Law Enforcement Management, Crimes Against Children Investigator, and more.
As Fannin County grows, the Sheriff’s Office will face difficult challenges from the increased criminal activity that will, most assuredly, result from that growth. I will address these challenges by ensuring that the Sheriff’s Office leadership and deputies are trained, qualified, and ready to implement modern law enforcement techniques to counter the ever-changing methods used by today's criminals.
My goal is to address issues that threaten the safety of Fannin County citizens and to ensure that our county is a safe place to live for generations to come. Over the course of my campaign, I will outline more detailed plans about how I can accomplish these goals in my role as Sheriff and how the county will benefit.
My wife and I are blessed to live in Fannin County and raise our daughter here. If you, the voters, choose me asyour next Sheriff, I will do my best to earn your trust. I ask for your vote for Sheriff on March 5th, 2024.
Political advertising by the Cody Shook campaign