Denison, Texas – Texas Department of Transportation officials today announced that road construction will begin Feb. 12 on US 75 from its intersection with US 82 to North Loy Lake Road in Denison, Texas.
The contractor, SEMA Construction Inc., was awarded the contract for this project valued at more than $196 million. Work is slated to begin Feb. 12. The contractor will begin setting barricades at work sites on Feb. 6. The target completion date for this project is January 2027.
This project will widen the four-lane roadway to six lanes divided. It will also create continuous frontage roads and reconfigure and improve intersections along US 75. The project will also reconstruct bridges at FM 691, Iron Ore Creek and Spur 503, and add U-turn bridges at North Loy Lake Road and Spur 503.
This construction is designed to improve safety, address traffic congestion, improve traffic flow and upgrade the roadway. Changes and improvements along this portion of US 75 will be constructed in phases as the project progresses, officials said.
Motorists who travel frequently in this area are asked to pay special attention to all barricades, traffic controls and signs, and to reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.
For more information, contact or (903) 737-9213.