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Fannin County Commissioners Court votes to sell land to BEDCO
By Allen Rich
Oct 17, 2024
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Fannin County, Texas -- All five members of Fannin County Commissioners Court were present for a regular meeting held Tuesday, October 15, 2024.

The meeting opened with an invocation by Dane Berkey, youth minister at  Northside Church of Christ, and pledges were led by Major James Manis (Ret.).


Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham introduced Commissioners-elect Kurt Fogelberg II (Pct. 3) and Troy Waggoner (Pct. 1) in attendance.


In public forum, Patty Wolf gave an update regarding an initiative to secure funding from TxDOT to replace missing road signs in Pct. 1.

Ms. Wolf is spearheading the Pct. 1 volunteer group and she advised the court that TxDOT will need a resolution from the county to initiate funding.

Pct. 1 Commissioner Dale McQueen said he will have the resolution prepared for the next regular meeting of commissioners court.

Routine items

Fannin County Commissioners Court approved payment of bills totaling $308,633.12; payroll was $402,460.19.


Commissioners court unanimously voted to hire BrooksWatson & Company to serve as the county's external audit service.

Fannin County Assistant Auditor Sherry Zinder said three large audit firms submitted proposals.

Representatives of BrooksWatson & Company reached out repeatedly to the county to express an interest in providing this service and the firm also turned in the lowest bid.


Commissioners court approved a one-time severance of 2 acres from a 10.01-acre tract on CR 3735 in Wolfe City, Property ID# 76331.


Commissioners court discussed Lake Ralph Hall Zoning Commission members. Ladonia Mayor Justin Bratton briefly addressed the court.

Ladonia Councilmember Greg Morris's term will be up at the end of the year and then the city's selection would go onto the board.

One person asked why the City of Ladonia should have a designated representative on the zoning commission.

Judge Cunningham explained that Ladonia has the option of annexing Lake Ralph Hall and its immediate surrounding property, making representation on the commission particularly critical to the city.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item that would have authorized the county judge to sign an Acknowledgement of a Texas Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for a vehicle grant for TMC Bonham hospital. There is some discussion on who should sign the acknowledgement. 


By a 4-1 vote, Fannin County Commissioners Court voted to accept a contract from Bonham Economic Development Corporation (BEDCO) to purchase 119.00 acres of county-owned land near the Multipurpose Complex.

A portion of the 119 acres being sold to BEDCO, with the Multipurpose Complex in the distance.

The county was asking $13,500 per acre. The acreage has no road frontage and limited access across railroad tracks, which significantly diminished the asking price.

BEDCO offered $1.6 million, which equates to $13,445.00 an acre.

This tract of land was on the market for 30 days at $13,500 per acre and BEDCO submitted the only offer.

"They have a commitment to have this built out as soon as possible," Judge Cunningham said of BEDCO, adding that, like most cities in Texas, the local economic development corporation purchases public property to attract industry in order to provide living-wage jobs and increase the tax base.

Fannin County Criminal District Attorney Richard Glaser scrutinized local government code to ensure the legality of this broker agreement.

Funding will be through Government Capital.

Judge Cunningham, along with Pct. 1 Commissioner Dale McQueen, Pct. 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness and Pct. 4 Commissioner Doug Kopf voted in favor of the sale, with Pct. 2 Commissioner A.J. Self casting the opposing vote.


Commissioners court discussed appointing an individual to spearhead the Recreation Economy for Rural Communities assistance through the Environmental Protection Agency, USDA Forest Services.

Fannin County resident Gary Tucker said that while 1/3 of the county's population lives in Bonham, 2/3 of the county doesn't have a recreational development program.

With the deadline to file an application looming on Wednesday, October 17, 2024, Judge Cunningham expressed several concerns, including who would lead the committee and who the committee members would be.

Open discussion items

Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the court or a citizen.

Judge Cunningham said he hopes to have an updated report next week regarding courthouse repairs and litigation. The county continues to move forward with repairs and litigation.


In regard to work at the justice center, Cunningham said there is asphalt available as the parking lot is cleared.

Piles of asphalt in front of the justice center.

In regard to the county budget and revenue sources, county resident Kathy Whiteside asked how much of the revenue would go toward completing the justice center.

Judge Cunningham said there would be approximately $100,000 in expenses coming off the top, leaving $1.5 million for the justice center project. He noted that the county is marketing other tracts of land.

"If we get some more money in, we might be able to get everyone in the justice center," he said, referring to the Tag Office and Juvenile Probation. "What I want to be sure of is that we don't have to borrow more money."

In regard to the painfully slow progress of initiating a county Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Cunningham said he is aware of disturbing emails regarding the lack of progress setting up HOT revenue.


The next meeting of Fannin County Water Supply Agency is scheduled for Thursday, November 14, 2024.


In regard to Emergency Medical Services, Cunningham said another multi-fatality accident, this latest accident on Hwy. 121, equates to 10 traffic fatalities in the last two weeks.

He opined that the county's offer of $1.5 million to help TxDOT build out Hwy. 121, a $150 million project, would significantly improve an increasingly dangerous highway that connects Fannin County with the metroplex.

Bonham resident Rusty Deets asked about the mutual aid agreement between Allegiance and Bonham Fire Department to cover the northern part of the county.

Judge Cunningham pointed out that, now that the EMS contract with Allegiance is in effect, Bonham Fire Department is focusing on providing emergency medical service in the Bonham Fire District, but noted that the fire district actually extends well north of the Bonham city limits. 

Bonham Fire District

Allegiance will be responsible for the management and operation of the three new ambulances and crews.

Cunningham said his understanding is that both Allegiance and Bonham Fire Department will respond to a need anywhere in the county if an ambulance is available.

Mr. Deets said that perspective differs from what he was told at a Bonham City Council meeting Monday, October 14, 2024.

Cunningham noted that it would have cost taxpayers an extra million dollars a year to retain Bonham Fire Department as the countywide EMS provider.


Executive session(s) and action if needed

Fannin County Commissioners Court had no need for executive session.


County Road 4925 will be closed for a couple of days while a culvert is replaced.


Several people are ignoring the countywide ban on outdoor burning while dangerous conditions exist. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued a disaster declaration for 143 counties -- including Collin, Cooke, Delta, Denton, Fannin, Grayson, Hunt and Lamar -- in response to increasing wildfire danger and ongoing wildfire activity throughout the state.