The Fannin County Amateur Radio Club met for their regular meeting December 21, 2025, at a different location for the annual Christmas Party and officer election. The Windom Feed Sack was host to this event again this year.
After enjoying the fine fair offered, the current leadership finished business with the election of officers for the next year. Elected to serve the club for the 2025 year are Keith Mumaw (KI5VNL) to continue as President, Dr. Mike Durbin (K5MJD) to serve as Vice-President, James Hunt (KI5DQ) will continue as Treasurer, and Sarah Richardson (KI5PZF) will continue as Secretary. Rebecca Bruner (KI5IOO) is Historian.
Dr. Mike Durbin is also the Trustee, as appointed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
For more information about the club, amateur radio or any of the events and activities the club is a part of, follow us at our website or on Facebook at