Front Page
  • In a split decision, Fannin County Commissioners Court followed the recommendation of Bois d'Arc Lake Zoning Commission and denied a Change in Zoning application; from A&R, Agriculture & Ranching District to R&C, Retail and Commercial District on CR 2998 in Honey Grove, Property ID# 71025. There will be no regular meeting of Fannin County Commissioners Court next week.
  • Lead producer Colin Ingram together with Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale, the creators of the Back to the Future film trilogy; Broadway Dallas, and Broadway Across America (BAA) are thrilled to announce the 2022 Olivier Award-winning Best New Musical, Back to the Future: The Musical will come to Dallas as part of the 2024/2025 Broadway Series presented by Broadway Dallas. photo by Matthew Murphy and Evan Zimmerman
  • The Sam Bell Maxey House State Historic Site is celebrating Valentine’s Day with a special program titled "Romance in the Gilded Age" on Friday, February 14 at 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. This program will include a tour of the Maxey House and feature love letters from the family, the language of flower arrangements, historic valentines from the sites collection, and more. It's a perfect opportunity for history enthusiasts, couples, and friends to learn more about the romantic practices of the past in Paris, Texas, the state’s very own City of Love. The Maxey House is also excited that High Cotton Kitchen, Chapman’s Florist and Gifts, and Paris Bakery will be offering program participants a few special surprises throughout the tour.
  • Fannin County AgriLife will be hosting A Matter of Balance, an eight-session program held every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. – noon, March 5 – April 23 at the Derrell Hall Education Center, 2505 N. Center Street in Bonham.
  • It was standing-room-only at Mulberry United Methodist Church fellowship hall on Monday night as concerned residents in Fannin County met to discuss how to limit the damage being done to the environment, roads and quality of life by an ever-expanding sand mining industry.
  • 2001 – NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft touches down in the "saddle" region of 433 Eros, becoming the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid. 433 Eros is a stony asteroid of the Amor group, and the first discovered, and second-largest near-Earth object. It has an elongated shape and a volume-equivalent diameter of approximately 10.4 miles. Visited by the NEAR Shoemaker space probe in 1998, it became the first asteroid ever studied from its own orbit. Shoemaker (NEAR Shoemaker), renamed after its 1996 launch in honor of planetary scientist Eugene Shoemaker, was a robotic space probe designed by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory for NASA to study the near-Earth asteroid Eros from close orbit over a period of a year. It was the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid and land on it successfully. In February 2000, the mission closed in on the asteroid and orbited it. On February 12, 2001, Shoemaker touched down on the asteroid and was terminated just over two weeks later. The primary scientific objective of NEAR was to return data on the bulk properties, composition, mineralogy, morphology, internal mass distribution, and magnetic field of Eros.