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Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group urges public to submit vital data for 38-county flood planning effort with deadline only one month away
By Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group
Jan 19, 2025
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Texas’ Trinity River Basin – Jan. 13, 2025 – The Region 3 Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group (Trinity RFPG) urges anyone affected by flood-related issues to participate in its recently launched online data collection survey and interactive web map. The survey and map are available at https://trinity.halff.com/ and through the Public Comment page, which is open now through Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025, for consideration in the 2028 Trinity Regional Flood Plan.

Participation from the general public and groups with flood-related responsibilities will strengthen the RFPG’s ability to update and maintain a flood plan that represents local flood planning resources, flood-related risks, flood mitigation needs and potential solutions. Individuals or organizations that participated during the initial cycle of Regional Flood Planning are still encouraged to review the updated interactive web map and submit updated information to keep planning efforts current and address any new flooding concerns.



When visiting the data collection website, representatives from cities and other entities must register by providing an email and creating a password. Once logged in, fewer than 25 questions and an interactive map prompt a review of flood history, storm drainage systems and critical infrastructure.


Members of the general public are also encouraged to participate and share their knowledge of flood-prone areas and zones where flood mitigation might be needed with the Trinity RFPG. To access the public input map, users will need to provide their name, physical address and email address. The RFPG will use contact information only to confirm unusual or extreme responses. Most public responders will not be contacted.

If anyone has relevant documents or data to submit or additional questions about the data collection process, please contact Project Manager Stephanie Griffin with Halff Associates, Inc. at (817) 813-5704 or sgriffin@halff.com.


For more information or to subscribe to receive future updates, visit the website at Trinityrpfg.org or email info@trinityrfpg.org


About the Trinity RFPG and the Flood Planning Process


The Trinity RFPG’s planning region (Trinity River Basin or Region 3) has an estimated population of approximately 8 million and spans nearly 18,000 square miles across 38 counties from Cooke County in the north to Chambers County on the Gulf Coast.


The Trinity RFPG is among 15 regional flood planning groups first designated in April 2020 by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), as a result of Senate Bill 8 (86th Texas Legislature) which established a groundbreaking, new regional and state flood planning process. At the same time, the Texas Legislature also created a new flood financial assistance fund and charged the TWDB with administering the fund. The Flood Infrastructure Fund (FIF), approved by Texas voters in Nov. 2019, requires studies, projects and strategies be recommended in the State Flood Plan in order for the sponsor to be eligible to apply for this funding.


The first-ever Trinity Regional Flood Plan, adopted in 2023 and now part of the 2024 State Flood Plan, includes 56 recommended FMPs, 507 recommended FMEs and 138 recommended FMSs. The 2023 Trinity Regional Flood Plan draws on the best available science, data, models and flood risk mapping to recommend over $1 billion in flood mitigation actions designed to fix local flooding issues and reduce flood-related loss of lives, property and livelihoods throughout the region. The TWDB’s Interactive 2024 State Flood Plan Viewer may be found at https://texasstatefloodplan.org/overview.


Each of the regional flood planning groups across Texas will now update their plans every five years.


The Planning Group’s membership includes at least one voting member from each of the following interest categories: the public, counties, municipalities, industry, agriculture, environment, small business, electric-generating utilities, river authorities, water districts, water utilities and flood districts. The Trinity RFPG has engaged a technical consultant team led by Halff to support its planning efforts.


For more information, visit the Trinity RFPG website at trinityrfpg.org, follow the group on Twitter at https://twitter.com/TrinityRFPG or email the group via info@trinityrfpg.org.