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Fannin County Commissioners Court discusses road damage by heavy trucks
By Allen Rich
Jan 29, 2025
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Fannin County, Texas -- All five members of Fannin County Commissioners Court were present for a regular meeting held Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

The meeting opened with an invocation by Rickey Granstaff, pastor of Ravenna Baptist Church, and pledges were led by Air Force veteran, Jenny Garner.


In public forum, Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham read a letter from Malinda Allison telling about a display case on the second floor of the courthouse.

Allison invited visitors to stop by and enjoy Kay Sisk's collection of historic postcards of Bonham. The display will be up for several months.


Routine items

Commissioners court approved payment of bills totaling $384,366.80.


Commissioners court approved Treasurer’s Financial Report for December 2024, as well as the Treasurer’s Investment Report for December 2024.

Fannin County Treasurer David Woodson reported that receipts continue to go up, which is typical for this time of the year.

Sales tax revenue for October, which was received in December, was an unusually high amount of $657,180.60. Woodson will check with the state comptroller to make certain the payment wasn't in error.


Discussion items

Commissioners court paused to recognize two sheriff’s deputies for their outstanding service to the community.

Fannin County Sheriff Cody Shook presented a Sheriff's Accommodation Certificate to Deputy Sullivan for stopping to render aid to victims after coming upon a horrific traffic accident, even though Sullivan was off-duty at the time.

(L-R) Fannin County Sheriff Cody Shook and Deputy Sullivan - photo by Lisa Loiselle

Sheriff Shook also presented a Sheriff's Accommodation Certificate to Deputy McCrary for creating and funding a program designed to benefit the youth of the community.

(L-R) Sheriff Shook and Deputy McCrary - photo by Lisa Loiselle

Fannin County Commissioners Court joins Sheriff Shook, Deputy Sullivan and Deputy McCrary for a photograph - photo by Lisa Loiselle


Commissioners court discussed the Republican Party Chair and Election Commission.

Melanie Grammar said it has been an honor to serve as party chair for almost 10 years and described incoming chair Darren York as a dedicated leader.

"This is not a job that can be done alone," York said. "It will require community support ."

Judge Cunningham commended Grammar for her years of service.


Mark McLiney of SAMCO Capital Markets, Inc. gave a presentation regarding Public Improvement Districts (PIDs) in counties.

McLiney explained that  PIDs are an economic development tool designed to facilitate growth without affecting the county's tax rate or bond rating.

Created under Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, a PID is a specific area within a city or county where only property owners who live within that designated pay extra taxes to fund specific improvements, such as parks, walking paths, libraries and infrastructure. All of these improvements must be open to the public.

McLiney said PIDs allow counties to incentivize better building standards because the county can set requirements.

Typically the development is worth twice as much as the bonds that are issued to insure the developer doesn't walk away. PIDs generate ad valorem taxes which will benefit the entire county.

The first step to create a PID is a public hearing before it can be formed by commissioners court. The process could take six months.

The county would own improvements and a homeowners association would be responsible for maintenance, as would be spelled out in the development agreement. A PID administrator would be paid from PID funds.

The county would enter into a Professional Services Agreement with the developer to assure that county money is not being used for the development.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding Fannin County's basic requisition requirements.


Discussion, consideration and action items

Commissioners court approved fuel and oil bids for the county and sheriff's office. Three comparable bids were received; commissioners voted to go with the present vendor, McCraw Oil.


Commissioners court voted to deny a special exception application to reduce road frontage from 100’ to a 30’ access easement or 30’ road frontage, Property ID# 84518 on CR 2745 in Windom.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding a Preliminary Plat for Soto Oaks Phase Two on FM 1752 in Savoy; 11- 1+ acre lots on 15.418 acres, Property ID# 138669.


Commissioners court approved an Order transferring a 2018 Model# 6110 Boom Mower, VIN# 1L06110JJH919208 from Precinct 3 to Precinct 2 and transferring $116,000.00 from Precinct 2 to Precinct 3.

This is a reallocation of money and equipment within the county; payment will be in two equal payments, half from this year's budget and half from next year's budget.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding interlocal agreements for road maintenance.

Andy Garner, the county's civil attorney, will modify the agreement to remove the liability stipulation and the court will revisit this subject next week.

Work will be at the discretion of the appropriate commissioner, depending on availability of equipment and manpower. Cities will reimburse the county for fuel and water.

Judge Cunningham said he wants to treat all cities the same.


Commissioners court approved going out for bids to buy or lease (a) a single-axle belly dump trailer, (b) a single-axle haul truck and/or (c) a 10-wheel dump truck.

Pct. 1 Commissioner Troy Waggoner intends to look at bids for both vehicles and then decide which course of action would be most economical.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding the county covering mobile phones and service plans for all elected officials.


Commissioners court discussed the road damage in Fannin County created by overweight trucks.

An increase in sand mines in the northwest quadrant of the county is almost certain to result in even more heavy trucks in the area.

Commissioner Waggoner said that heavy trucks are causing a myriad of issues, including damage to roads and there have even been fatalities.

Tuesday morning, there was a report of a sand truck allegedly passing a school bus with its stop sign out while students were getting onboard.

While the state legislature doesn't allow counties to zone in most circumstances, the Fannin County officials are exploring other options.

"We have a sheriff who is willing to step up, a district attorney who is willing to step up and a commissioners court that is willing to step up," Judge Cunningham remarked.

Ravenna, Texas residents, Kalin and Tricia Seamans addressed the court to say they have replaced windshields in both of their vehicles in only five months since moving to northwest Fannin County.

Judge Cunningham said he is having to replace two wheels on his car that were damaged because of crevasses in FM 1396 likely caused by heavy trucks.

Criminal District Attorney John Skotnik also expressed his displeasure at the increasing damage to roads by heavy trucks and the noise when drivers use the motor, instead of brakes, to slow down. Skotnik has plans to work with local law enforcement because heavy trucks are running by his house 24 hours a day with pipes blaring.

"We have a basis to stop them right now -- today -- because of noise," Skotnik stated.

"There is an opportunity here to get the number of heavy trucks reduced," Cunningham echoed.

The county is expected to purchase scales and begin weighing heavy trucks to make certain they aren't overweight.

Commissioner court hinted at a special evening session of commissioners court in order to allow more of the public to tackle big issues facing the county.


Commissioners court approved cancelling the February 18, 2025 regular meeting of commissioners Court because all four commissioners will be at training and there won't be a quorum.

Judge Cunningham repeated his warning about walking quorums.


Open discussion items

Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the court or a citizen.

Fannin County Subdivision Committee will meet Thursday.


In regard to courthouse repairs and litigation, Cunningham described litigation as "ongoing." He noted  that work is currently being done to eliminate water leaking into the basement

Ruben Moreno, Fannin County Facilities Management Coordinator, is compiling a list of issues at the courthouse.

Cunningham said he has been told by the woodworking contractor and electrical contractor that repairs have been made.

The county judge expressed concern that one commode seems to be flushing with hot water and he suggested having an engineer come in to document a thorough inspection.


In a brief discussion regarding the Justice Center, Cunningham said $357,000 is built into the budget for an asphalt parking lot.

Commissioner Waggoner noted that although concrete would be more expensive initially, it may be more cost-efficient in the long run.


In regard to the county budget and revenue sources, the county continues to work with the vendor that was hired to collect the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT).

Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple said the only HOT tax revenue so far is from Bonham State Park, but the auditor's office is helping entities get set up.


In regard to water issues affecting Fannin County, Fannin County Water supply Agency will meet with Grayson County's similar water entity to see how they have set up their system.

Executive session(s) and action if needed

Fannin County Commissioners Court had no need to executive session.